Social Mining DigiByte week

DAO Maker
DAO Maker
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2020

What is Social Mining?

Created by DAO Maker, Social Mining is a technology that is enabling projects to accelerate the creation & growth of a community, while amplifying & organizing community efforts.

The technology has been under development for nearly 2 years now, and it has been used by projects like LTO Network, Elrond Network, and Harmony. If you want to know more about the platform or the vision behind it, you may read the background, the introduction, or the gitbook. You can always visit our website.

Why DigiByte?

Right now, we are testing and developing the platform with our own community. We are testing new Twitter algorithms and different platform UIs with our faithful community.

However, to put the platform against a bigger test, we’ve decided to pick projects that have perceivably large communities. We wanted to pick one that is completely decentralized and hence have chosen DigiByte.

How does it work?

  1. First, sign-up to the platform
  2. Connect your Twitter and MetaMask wallet
  3. Re-Tweet the highlighted Tweets with comments. All highlighted Tweets can be seen under the “Twitter” button on the platform.
Click the “twitter” button on the platform and you will be able to see eligible tweets, just press tweet under those tweets, or rt with comment directly on twitter.

Tweets related to DigiByte will be added at the start of the next week 27th of April, tweets will be chosen from DigiByte community, however on top of that we will publish 1 content piece about DigiByte that week as well


Each proper re-Tweet will be rewarded with points and reputation based on the number of impressions and engagements it gets. The system is able to automatically capture impressions and engagements.

There is a limit of 2 Tweets per day per person, so use your quota for your best effort.

At the end of the week, we will distribute a certain amount of USDC to everyone, so you may stack up more DGB! The amount you receive will be based on the reputation and points you were able to gather during the whole week.

Examples of past rewards: First Week | Second Week

The rewards pool will be anywhere from $150 – $500 depending on the number of people.

How to maximize your rewards?

Each tweet should be unique and logical. It's important to include trending related hashtags/tickers to ensure that the tweet will spread among a wider audience. The system doesn't like twitter account that is spamming various airdrops/giveaways and other activities that are making the account irrelevant.

Thank you, everyone, for reading, and now let’s get ready to rumbleee!

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DAO Maker

