1930’s French Inventor Jean Perdrizet /Spirits and Extraterrestrial Communication

William Lawrence
5 min readMay 4, 2018

Perdrizet believed that the world is full of immaterial beings that exist in the waves. As he said himself, “matter is a needle wave on a continent parallel to ours” (“puisque la matière est une qiguille d’onde du continent parallèle au nôtre”), so we need the machines to communicate with these invisible beings. He shared his theories with different scientists and some of them supported him, as with one radio engineer who told him, “The dead are trying to build machines to communicate with us”

Jean Perdrizet was born to schoolteacher parents in 1907 in Villers-la-Faye, near Dijon, eastern France. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in 1931, then worked as a wartime field engineer from 1934–37. He later worked sporadically for Électricité de France, but in 1949 he stopped working completely because of mental health problems. Age 48 and unmarried, he moved in with his parents in Digne-les-Bains, southeast France, where he worked in earnest on various inventions and designs for machines that he had been creating since the early 1930s. He lived to be 68 and passed away in 1975. Nine years later SETI Institute was founded to search for Extraterrestrial Messages in Radio Waves.

Around 1955, the Perdrizet family moved to Digne-les-Bains. Perdrizet realized at the age of 24 the plans of his prodigious inventions. He is enthusiastic about building robots, ceiling drills, flying saucers, and ways of communicating with the dead or the extraterrestrials. Following the death of his father, he makes himself a spiritist table of incredible lightness to get in touch with him and organizes sessions with his neighbors. Finding a universal language also fascinates him: he invents the "T language" or "Esperanto Esperanto" that he says "fluent". From his cellar arise from time to time constructions crazy: his flying saucer earned him the admiration of the kids in his neighborhood.

Perdrizet calls himself an "inventor" and keeps informed on the latest scientific advances. Seeking to make his innovations known, he sends "two tons [of plans] in 40 years" to NASA, the CNRS, the faculties of science, the Vatican, UNESCO, the Swedish Academy in the hope of to receive a Nobel Prize... Without result. However, several scientists were interested in his work such as José Argémi or Jacques Paillard; the painter and collector Adrien Dax envied his "state of grace" ... Perdrizet, inventor fascinated by science, pushes the boundaries of this discipline and transcends it into an air and sublime space where the impossible leaves room for the imagination. When his mother dies, he says: "she is not dead, she is somewhere else",

His works remind me of Tesla and many other great free thinkers that came before their time. It’s important to note that anything that can be imagined can be invented. We live in a time where information can be exchanged Globally in a matter of secs. French Engineer Jean Perdrizet sent over 2 tons of his work around the world to leading scientific institutions.

Could some of his ideas and work influenced technology we have today?

“We may never know that answer but I can assure you that these type of ideas will not go unnoticed with our current technological advancements in communication. Jean Perdrizet and Nicola Tesla are only two examples of many who have had revolutionary ideas of our future yet their work was dismissed and rejected in their life times.”

As you may know I Discovered a new method of communication with life beyond on Earth. I have sent my work to NASA, The United Nations, SETI Institute and MUFON. I will continue to communicate the results of my experiments until scientists publicly investigate. Thanks to our current technology my ability to get my work seen and recognized is much greater than those in the past which makes it much harder to cover up.

"We are on the edge of the unknown and when we make that leap into the unknown we will unlock the secrets to everything."
-Bent Light

Join the investigation and search for Extraterrestrial Messages by visiting me on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/bentlights/

More work by Jean Perdrizet






William Lawrence

Scientist/Researcher with Bent Light/Visible Light Quantum Communication and the Extraterrestrial Connection to Spirituality