I Had To Eat The Noodles

Brandon Person
3 min readJan 13, 2016

They had a hole in them. How was I suppose to enjoy my lunch?

I am usually pretty one-track minded. If I can’t see a way, right away, then I assume it’s not meant. What a terrible way to think huh? On my way to conquering the world, I got a revelation of why I hadn’t yet. I hadn’t even conquered my own small way of thinking. Until today I couldn’t even fathom that it was the one thing keeping me from my dreams and goals.

Lunchtime. That’s when you take a break and feed your face. That’s what I was about to do. I chose to eat what was so very often convenient for me. Cup O’ Noodles. There was only one small problem. I ran the cold water inside the cup where the noodles were and…..out of the side of the cup ran most of the water that would serve to heat up my mouthwatering lunch. (Hey, if it was all you had, you’d think it was mouthwatering too.) I looked on the side of the cup only to find that there was a nice enough size hole for me to have to throw away my noodles..and my hopes of being full. (Sort of).

Have you ever been in that spot? You’re stuck between the thought of pressing ahead in whatever pursuit you have and the obstacles attempting to keep you from said goal. I know what you’re saying. “Did you seriously just come up with a motivational speech about persevering based off an experience you had with some Ramen noodles with a hole in it?” Well actually, yes, I did. And well I should have because it serves as the basis of this entry. And it’s turning out to be one of my personal best because there’s a very valuable lesson in it.

You see, I literally almost decided God didn’t want me to have those noodles. Seriously I did. I know that sounds asinine and absurd but as ridiculous as the situation sounds, it gave me great perspective on how I have been thinking. Maybe a lot of you have been feeling that way about your goals and dreams too. Perhaps your thought goes “If it’s meant to happen it’ll happen.?” But this is only part true. The full truth is that 1. If it’s suppose to happen doors that were once closed will begin to open for you. 2. When your preparation meets that opportunity success will occur. But this is IF and only if you really want it AND you PREPARE!

Almost every person I’ve read about, successful people I’ve interacted with have had to make that same decision somewhere along their journey: Give up or Fight. Throw in the towel or try again. Oprah. Bill Gates. Zuckerberg. Steve Harvey. Thomas Edison (where would we be if after his 1000th try at a lightbulb, he decided he’d had enough.) According to numerous accounts, Lincoln lost numerous political races including his Senatorial run, application for the Office of The General Commissioner on Land, supposedly sucked as a businessman, defeated in his run for congress and the vice presidency before finally running for President of the United States and winning.

The point I’m getting at is PEOPLE FAIL and OBSTACLES ARE OPPORTUNITIES. It’s a natural backdrop for those who ultimately succeed at whatever it is they specialize in. It was Thomas Watson Sr., the former Chairman and C.E.O. of IBM who said “The fastest way to succeed is to double your failure rate.”

When there seems to be no way, Find a way. You’ll either find that loophole or perspective you didn’t see or you’ll grow through it.

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Brandon Person

Believer. Content Creator.💡 Idea guy. Founder, @trewfixtion Memphis born/bred Author of Lights Camera Journal