Are You Sabotaging Your Professional Speaking?

Bernard Bergan
2 min readMay 3, 2017


Is Public Speaking still a major FEAR?

If you read my last blog about attending P7D Training for Professional Speakers, you would know that public speaking is not one of my fears. Hashtag Get over It.

One Week Later, I can say that attending P7D was a Game Changer.

Typically, at conferences, you network with amazing people, and you leave with a sense of empowerment that lasts a week maybe even a Month if the speaker was nothing short of amazing.

The Difference in P7D was that it went above being just interactive and transformational and showcased world-class guest speakers. The Guest Speakers from Chris Daniels PMP to the Business Panel with Josh, Josh, and Rob defined what speakers needed to know about themselves then what they needed to know about the ups and downs of business.

Josh Josh and Rob in reverse order

All of these conversations Left me with a deep sense of belonging. I knew I was in the right place at the right time.

I also got to talk intensely with members of the ETA team in depth which is rare at most conferences.

I took away a whole lot from my journey, and I am now more clear on the road ahead to being top 5 in my lane of empowering military veterans to know that they can be more, do more, and continue to serve beyond the uniform.

Let’s journey together

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Listen to Season One of The Veterans Leadership Blog Podcast and let me know what you think.

