Why You’re Not a Professional Speaker (And What You Can Do About It)

Bernard Bergan
2 min readApr 19, 2017


Learning to become a Professional Speaker from a Speaker I admire is my next Big Goal!

Pioneer Square #Seattle.

Working in Tech and learning to be a Professional Speaker should be nothing short of transformational.

My journey begins this weekend with training in Atlanta. There are a lot of speaker training programs out there why did I choose this one: P7D

Here is why.

One Word: Accountability

I attend Breathe University, and the level of Accountability in this Personal Development group led by Dr. Eric Thomas has allowed me to blow past many of my goals and deliver results at the speed of the internet.

Is there work ahead to becoming a professional speaker absolutely, do I know what I’m doing not at all, but that is why I am joining a system. The right person in the right system leads to championships.

That is something I believe deeply. I will document my journey to becoming a Professional Speaker as candidly as possible with the hopes that many of the steps I am taking will be obvious to those who choose to follow behind me.

I even logged into my writing platform of choice 750 Words to keep myself accountable for writing 750 words a day.

I have found that this habit makes me a better speaker, a better writer, and carves out space each day for me to self-assess on if I am moving towards my goals or am I on the escalator of life moving in the opposite direction.

Brought to you by BernardBergan.com Motivating and Empowering Veteran Leaders to Continue to Serve Beyond the Uniform.

