What is name change policy of Eva air?

Bertie D. Miller
4 min readMay 9, 2024


In the realm of travel, flexibility is key. Plans can change, circumstances can shift, and sometimes, a simple adjustment is needed. One common query that arises in the travel industry pertains to name changes on tickets. For passengers flying with Eva Air, understanding the intricacies of their name change policy is crucial for a smooth travel experience. So, let’s delve into the specifics of Eva Air’s name change policy to demystify the process.

Understanding Eva Air’s Name Change Policy

Eva Air, a prominent Taiwanese airline renowned for its exceptional service and global connectivity, has a well-defined policy regarding name changes on tickets. Whether it’s a misspelling, a legal name change, or any other reason, Eva Air strives to accommodate passengers’ needs while maintaining the integrity of their booking system.

Instances Where Name Changes Are Allowed

Eva Air permits name changes under certain circumstances:

1. Misspelling: If there’s a typographical error or a minor misspelling in the passenger’s name, Eva Air allows corrections without imposing additional fees.

2. Legal Name Change: In cases where a passenger undergoes a legal name change, Eva Air permits updating the name on the ticket, provided valid documentation such as a marriage certificate, court order, or passport reflecting the new name is provided.

Procedures for Name Changes

1. Contact Eva Air: The first step to initiate a name change is to get in touch with Eva Air’s customer service team on phone number +1 (800)-370–8748. This can typically be done through their website, over the phone, or at one of their ticketing offices.

2. Provide Documentation: Depending on the reason for the name change, passengers will need to submit appropriate documentation. For a misspelling, providing a scanned copy of the passport with the correct spelling should suffice. For legal name changes, the relevant legal documents must be provided.

3. Confirmation and Fee Assessment: Once the request and documentation are submitted, Eva Air’s team will assess the request and confirm whether the name change can be processed. If applicable, any associated fees will be communicated at this stage.

4. Payment and Confirmation: Upon confirmation of the name change and payment of any applicable fees, passengers will receive confirmation of the updated ticket details.

Fees and Charges

Eva Air’s name change policy +1 (800)-370–8748 is generally lenient for minor corrections such as misspellings. However, for significant changes like legal name changes, the airline may impose a fee to cover administrative costs. The exact fee amount can vary based on factors such as the route, fare type, and timing of the request.

Important Considerations

While Eva Air endeavors to accommodate name change requests, there are some important considerations to keep in mind:

1. Time Constraints: It’s advisable to initiate name change requests as soon as possible to avoid last-minute complications, especially if the travel date is approaching.

2. Ticket Restrictions: Certain fare types or promotional tickets may have specific restrictions or conditions regarding name changes. Passengers should review the terms and conditions of their ticket before requesting a name change.

3. Documentation Accuracy: Ensuring that all submitted documentation is accurate and up-to-date is essential for smooth processing of name change requests. Any discrepancies or incomplete information may delay the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I change the name on my Eva Air ticket online? Eva Air typically requires passengers to contact their customer service team directly to request name changes. However, some minor corrections may be possible through the airline’s online booking management system.

2. How long does it take for a name change to be processed? The processing time for name changes can vary depending on factors such as the volume of requests and the complexity of the change. It’s recommended to allow sufficient time for processing, especially if the travel date is approaching.

3. Are there any restrictions on the number of times I can change the name on my ticket? Eva Air may impose limitations on the number of name changes allowed per ticket. Passengers should consult with the airline’s customer service team for specific details regarding their ticket.

In Conclusion

Navigating the intricacies of name changes on airline tickets can seem daunting, but with Eva Air’s clear and accommodating policy, passengers can approach the process with confidence. Whether it’s a simple correction or a legal name change, understanding the procedures and requirements is essential for a seamless travel experience. By following the outlined steps and guidelines, passengers can ensure that their Eva Air journey is hassle-free from start to finish.

