Scalp Psoriasis — Psoriasis Treatment In Dindigul —

edith jane
3 min readDec 28, 2017

Scalp Psoriasis — Psoriasis Treatment In Dindigul —

Psoriasis occurs when your immune system sends faulty signals to your skin cells and tells them to mature too quickly. … Scalp psoriasis can cause uncomfortable burning and itching, as well as severe dandruff. Psoriasis can extend beyond the scalp and appear on the forehead, back of the neck, and behind the ears. While you can’t change your genes, you can prevent psoriasis flare-ups by controlling your symptoms through regular treatments from Psoriasis Treatment In Dindigul.

What Causes Psoriasis of the Scalp?

You’ve likely heard of psoriasis before, as a common skin condition. Scalp psoriasis is no different than the condition anywhere else on the body. It is fairly common, and it causes dry, itchy patches to appear on the skin of the scalp.

These patches can itch, burn, and be painful if not properly treated. It also can affect different areas of the scalp. In some cases, people will just experience one or two small patches. For others, it can spread to the forehead and even the neck.

Scalp psoriasis is more common than many people think. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, about half of the people who have this scaly skin condition have it on their scalp. It may require a slightly different treatment to other areas of the body. This is because the skin on the scalp is slightly thicker, and sometimes hair can prevent traditional treatments from working properly.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the causes and symptoms of scalp psoriasis. The more easily that you are able to recognize the symptoms, the sooner you can begin treating the problem.

Who is Most at Risk of Psoriasis of the Scalp?

Just about anyone who has plaque psoriasis can also get it on their scalp. It’s very common — up to 50% of people with psoriasis will get it on their scalp, as well. It’s less common only to develop the skin condition on the scalp. In rare cases, though, it can happen.

What Can Do to Help with Psoriasis?

When a dermatologist looks at your condition, they will need to determine that it is psoriasis and not another skin condition. Sometimes, they might even take a small sample of your skin for a biopsy.

Once it has been determined that you have scalp psoriasis, you can begin a treatment plan. Treatment is meant to ease any discomfort you may feel, and help to get rid of the symptoms that can sometimes be embarrassing.

Topical treatments are typically what a doctor will choose first. These are treatment options that are applied directly to your skin on the affected area(s). They can include everything from specialized psoriasis shampoos to gels and creams. One option that works well is Era Organics Eczema and Psoriasis Cream.

In more severe cases, Psoriasis Treatment In Dindigul your doctor may suggest a prescription treatment option. These prescriptions usually either have a high concentration of the medications listed above, or other solutions like topical steroids.

Keep in mind that psoriasis doesn’t always go away easily. Even with strong prescriptions, it can take more than eight weeks in some cases for your skin to heal. The treatments need to focus on direct application to the scalp, not necessarily just a hair shampoo, etc. Once your skin has cleared up, you can switch to a maintenance treatment, like a shampoo or weekly topical treatment.

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