What we can learn from ‘The Donald’?

Beth Bell
5 min readJul 20, 2016


Just to put it in perspective up front. I’m not voting for Hillary or Donald and don’t support either candidate.

I’ve pondered this question for weeks now. Mostly because I’m stunned by the fact that so many Americans are supporting him. Yes, I get many are supporting him just to keep Hillary out. But there are many who are supporting him, I mean really supporting him. I just can’t understand why. When I heard that Stephen Hawkins was asked for his opinion and he didn’t have an answer it became even more evident that there is some strange anomaly at play here.

Today I wonder no more. It dropped in and I feel like I finally ‘get it’. Here goes…

Donald Trump does a phenomenal job with ‘self confidence’. No big surprise right? He just doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks. Here me out, there’s alot to be said. Can you imagine how freeing that is? To say what you think, when you think it, without a filter? When I think about having this ability it gives me chills and a fire in my belly, in a good way. Yes, it inspires me — dare I say. People are envious, simply because they don’t know how to claim their power back but see that he does. It causes intrigue and a following.

Where it goes sour is that Trump’s intentions are not coming from a heart centered place. Therefore he doesn’t truly resonate with many of us, especially in the Midwest of America where he’s artificially being supported by hype and the goal of keeping Hillary out of office. He see’s gold and I don’t mean in heaven with Halo’s. He see’s enterprise at any cost. While we are fortunate to have the freedoms in the USA to have and create our own enterprises, its best when we reflect on how these impact the whole. Our brothers, our communities, our society as a whole. Look what we’ve done to our planet in respect to our food source. We will soon have very little food that is not genetically modified or sprayed with toxic pesticides for the sake of making money. {another topic}

Some say Trump is popular because many are relating to Trump darkness, perhaps reflecting our own. I believe this has some validity but I’d like to look at the brighter side of things. What if we took the approach that we want to learn from him? What if we took his demonstrations of self confidence and started to incorporate this passion to say things like they are — in our minds. The hidden agendas gone, the truth be told, and help everyone become accountable for their own actions.

I try to watch as little as possible the drama of the political landscape in America. Since I havent had a TV since 2005 and I live in Bali its safe to say that I am one of the few Americans who is escaping the bombarding media and rhetoric that is being displayed.

Admitedly I have been intrigued by Trump. It started when I saw he was on the cover of People magazine in 2005 while I was in Grand Central Station in NYC. I remember the surreal feeling I had when reading bits from the magazine off the news stand. I never thought we’d be here, now.

My intrigue excellerated after I accidentally stumbled on his interview with Jimmy Fallon. I was looking for a Saturday night live clip to cheer me up and found Donald instead. I found this video on YouTube so hysterical that I’ve probably showed it to 50 people or more. I love watching it and watching others reactions to it. He allows Jimmy to totally make fun of him and he makes fun of himself. I love how he shows us he can laugh at himself. This takes self confidence to another level as he even allows himself to be vulnerable.

I’m not suggesting being ridiculous is the way to BE. I’m just suggesting that what if, we all stepped into our own power AND had loving intention behind it?

What if we spoke the truth at all cost for the betterment of all? So many have sacraficed their lives in the face of difficult situations pushing through resistance of social norms. What if Rosa Parks, the black lady who didnt go to the back of the bus, never stopped and sat in the front? What if Nelson Mandela didn’t speak his truth? What if Martin Luther King didn’t have a dream that he vocalised to the world?

The time is now for good intentioned people to activate and speak their truth. It’s crazy to sit in silence and watch the suffering. The world is already upside down so why not jump in and stir the pot with the intention of settling the pot to peace??

After a beautiful conversation with a friend that had nothing to do with Trump, these thoughts and questions came out. I thought they were worth sharing and this is where the pieces of the Trump puzzle came together for me how we could leverage self confidence in a realm of higher conciousness and Pure Love intention.

Here’s a thought….

What if we didn’t give a shit what anyone else thinks about us?

What if we trusted that everything we did was for our best interest and that this automatically transferred to the best interest of others???

What if… We recognized that we are pure love with only intentions that serve the highest good of all?

What if we knew that we couldn’t make a mistake?

What if we knew that anything that felt or appeared dark was just there to help us release any self limiting beliefs we have about ourself?

What if we were called to blow up all ideas of darkness so that when it approached us that we could quietly honor it, deflect it and let it go somewhere else without a fight? The same that we do with the light? We don’t run from it so why can’t we equally embrace the darkness to? It’s duality, it’s why we came into human form.

What if going through all ‘this’ leads us to the most peaceful place which is heaven on earth? What would we do with that idea? That feeling? That knowing? That flowing with the Universe?

What would we do?

We would just BE love.

How good would that feel? We’ll get there. Although we’re already ‘there’. I guess better to say we will finally accept and embrace we are already there….

Thanks Donald for demonstrating what self confidence looks like. We should all emulate this but at the same time demonstrate loving intentions to make a real difference and make America great again.



Beth Bell

Best Selling Author of "Angels, Herpes and Psychedelics," truth teller & pattern disrupter.