From Generic to Genius: Personalizing User Experiences with Generative AI

Bethany Petryszak
7 min readDec 1, 2023

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all digital interfaces. Every click, swipe, and interaction can be intuitively tailored to meet users’ unique needs. Generative AI (GenAI) is redefining the way people interact with technology by personalizing user experiences. The advanced algorithms aren’t just responding to user actions — they’re predicting future needs and adapting in real-time.

A flowchart titled “How can GenAI help?” outlining four key functions of Generative AI: Content Creation, Information Analysis, Task Assistance, and Problem Solving, each with a set of actions that GenAI can perform within those functions.
Always-be-asking how technology can better serve people. It’s a tool — not the solution

The Evolution of Personalization

Over the years, technology advancements have unlocked new opportunities to support individuals’ unique situations. Once upon a time digital experiences were static. Because of that users had to hunt, peck, and pray when engaging with interfaces. With the advent of cookies, websites could remember what users like and show them content based on their past online activities.

Cookie highlights — how they evolved user experiences

As the collection and analysis of data expanded, personalized emails, ads, and product suggestions became standard practice. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) took this further, allowing for even more tailored content, adaptable web interfaces, and detailed insights tailored to specific situations.

Today GenAI is taking personalization to new levels by predicting what people might need or prefer in the future. This is thanks to its wide-ranging and deep understanding of data and its ability to communicate like a human.

Timeline of digital personalization within user experiences

GenAI Fundamentals

The marvel of GenAI in personalization is powered by the application of Large Language Models (LLMs). These algorithms, trained on extensive datasets, are adept at understanding the intricacies of natural language. LLMs function by analyzing the relationships between words and sentences, predicting the next word in a sequence based on the context provided by preceding words. This capability enables them to learn the nuances of human communication.

To develop this understanding, LLMs are exposed to vast amounts of textual data. Through this exposure, they connect various linguistic elements, absorb intricate patterns, and establish relationships that mirror natural human language. The result is a model that goes beyond mere comprehension of grammar and semantics. These models demonstrate an ability to exhibit reasoning and contextual awareness. This allows systems to interact with users in a more human-like manner, understanding and responding to queries with a level of sophistication that traditional AI/ML models can’t match.

Transforming Experiences

In an era where digital landscapes are rapidly evolving, the expectation for personalized user experiences is skyrocketing. As product ecosystems become more complex, the importance of optimizing user interfaces takes on a new level of urgency. Imagine a world where products adapt in real-time. GenAI enables digital products to evolve beyond static, rule-based interactions, to create dynamic, adaptive experiences that resonate deeply with users’ preferences and behaviors.

Incorporating AI/ML into user interface design isn’t about leveraging a new technology; it’s about creating experiences that go beyond useful and usable to deeply resonate with users on a personal level while solving problems worth solving. Generative AI is improving experiences and outcomes by:

  • Combatting Choice Overload: Prevent overwhelming choices with finely tuned recommendations
  • Breaking the One-Size-Fits-All Mold: Adaptable interfaces ensure each interaction is tailored to the needs of an individual user
  • Elevating Content Relevance: Deliver just-right content that aligns with users’ immediate needs and historical behaviors
  • Optimizing Accessibility and Navigation: Transform digital products to be more intuitive and accessible with personalized navigation and accessibility features
  • Aligning with User Preferences: GenAI enables products to not only adapt to but also anticipate user preferences while following nuanced policies and regulations

Creating Impactful Interfaces

Generative AI is revolutionizing the realm of digital applications, setting new benchmarks for what is achievable. This technology isn’t just an enhancement; it’s a leap into a future where interfaces are not only contextually aware and relevant but also communicate in a manner that resonates with each user. It’s ushering in an age where the only limits to digital experiences are the boundaries of product teams’ creativity. This innovative era is defined by interfaces that are not just tools but partners in every digital journey.

Integrating intelligent personalization within UIs is at the heart of this transformation. Consider these strategies:

  1. Dynamic Layout Customization: This feature intuitively adjusts UI layouts in response to user behavior, creating a browsing experience that is not only personalized but also significantly more comfortable
  2. Predictive Search Functionality: By incorporating predictive text and contextual suggestions, search bars become more efficient and user-specific, simplifying the way users interact with search functionalities
  3. Personalized Theme Selection: Allow users to tailor their UI themes, choosing or automatically adapting them based on personal preferences, time of day, or mood, adding a layer of visual comfort and personalization — or consider automating the design of white label experiences
  4. Custom User Dashboards: This functionality empowers people to craft and organize their dashboard widgets, prioritizing the tools and information most relevant to their needs
  5. Smart Notifications: Fine-tuned alerts and messages to strike a balance between keeping folks informed and minimizing notification overload. Think right-time, right-place
  6. User-Specific Help and Guidance: Adjust the language, optimize tool tips and reimagine chatbots and help centers with content that is specific to the needs, behaviors and context of individual users
  7. Context-Aware Menus: Dynamically adapt menu layout and options to suit the user’s current task or context, streamlining navigation and enhancing usability
  8. Personalized Language and Tone: Tailor text, images, recommendations, next steps and error messages to match the user’s unique communication style
  9. Intelligent Form Fields: Leverage AI to predict and auto-fill form fields to significantly reduce data entry time and effort while preventing and helping to correct mistakes
  10. Customizable Accessibility Features: Ensure that the interface is inclusive and accessible to all users with a range of accessibility options

Designing Responsibly

As AI systems become increasingly integrated into people’s lives, establishing and maintaining trust becomes increasingly important. The value of technology exponentially increases when it is developed with a focus on transparency, fairness, interpretability, and robustness. This approach ensures intelligence not only makes unbiased and fair decisions but also provides clear explanations for its actions — while remaining resilient against errors or evolving data. To design GenAI responsibly, the process must prioritize the user to create tools that are accessible, intuitive and beneficial. Responsible AI design includes:

  • Defining Clear Objectives & Values
    Set clear, ethical objectives and values based on an understanding of the intelligent system’s purpose and its potential societal impact while respecting user rights, privacy, and autonomy.
  • Embedding Transparency & Explainability
    It’s important for users to understand how the system makes decisions, including its limitations and any biases, to foster accountability, confidence, and trust.
  • Mitigating Biases and Discrimination
    Organizations need to actively monitor and correct biases that may arise from data, algorithms, or deployment contexts, ensuring fairness and inclusivity. It is imperative to continuously monitor and assess.
  • Promoting Data Privacy & Security
    Strong data privacy and security protocols, along with privacy-preserving techniques and user control over personal data, are fundamental. Data minimization principles, focusing only on essential data collection, are vital for maintaining privacy and security.

The future of user experience lies in the ability to go beyond responding to user needs to anticipate and evolve with them. GenAI, with its deep learning capabilities and the nuanced understanding of human language and behavior, is setting the stage for digital experiences that are more intuitive, engaging, and deeply personalized than ever before. This goes beyond improving functionality; it’s about creating a digital world that is inherently aligned with the unique preferences, behaviors, and contexts of each individual.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. As we harness the capabilities of GenAI, it is imperative to tread thoughtfully, ensuring that these technological advancements are used ethically and responsibly. The focus must be on building trust, ensuring transparency, fairness, and privacy, and continuously striving to eliminate biases. By doing so, we can create digital experiences that are not only advanced in their capabilities but also deeply respectful of the users they serve.

In summary, technology isn’t just reshaping the landscape of user experience design; it’s redefining the possibilities of how technology can enhance people’s lives. Moving forward, it’s crucial for UX professionals, product owners, and technologists to embrace this change, innovate responsibly, and continue to explore the vast potential of AI/ML in creating personalized, empathetic, and fiercely-human digital experiences.



Bethany Petryszak

Experience Design Leader with a passion for making empath actionable across all of technologies processes - even the invisible ones