The Enthralling World of Giant Betta Fish: An In-Depth Look into the Titans of the Betta Family

Betta Buddy
4 min readMay 23, 2023


Dive into the captivating world of giant betta fish, an intriguing variant of the popular betta fish species known for their remarkable size, vibrant colors, and exceptional grace.

The world of aquariums is a vast realm full of wondrous creatures, but few species have managed to enchant aquatic enthusiasts as much as betta fish. Among these, a variety stands out: the giant betta fish. These titan cousins of the standard betta species exude an allure that transcends the realm of ordinary aquatic fascination. This article will give you a detailed and exciting tour into the life of the giant betta fish — a must-read for any betta fish enthusiast or curious reader!

The Basics: What Is A Giant Betta Fish?

Giant betta fish, also known as Plakat betta fish, are a larger, more robust variant of the typical betta fish species. Their scientific name, Betta anabantoides, places them within the family of Osphronemidae and the Macropodusinae subfamily. Originating from southern Kalimantan in the Borneo region of Indonesia, these freshwater fish have found their way into the hearts and aquariums of enthusiasts worldwide.

Just as their name implies, these betta fish are indeed giants among their kind. Giant bettas have been selectively bred to reach a length between 3 and 7 inches, making them significantly larger than their typical betta counterparts, which average around 2.5 inches in length. The largest recorded giant betta in the wild astonishingly measured up to 7.2 inches!

Breathing Life into Their Name: The Anabantoid Fish

One fascinating aspect of the giant betta is their unique breathing method. Unlike most fish that extract oxygen from water through their gills, giant bettas, like all anabantoid fish, breathe using a labyrinth organ. This specialized respiratory structure allows them to inhale oxygen directly from the air above the water surface, enabling them to thrive in low-oxygen environments.

A Visual Feast: The Appearance of Giant Betta Fish

Like all betta fish, giant bettas are a feast for the eyes. They possess the same stout body type as Plakat bettas, a closer resemblance to wild betta fish. Their vibrant colors, ranging from deep blues and fiery reds to iridescent greens, combined with moderately long fins that trail delicately behind them, make them an irresistible addition to any aquarium.

A Comparatively Peaceful Titan: Temperament of Giant Betta Fish

Giant bettas, despite their size and the betta family’s reputation for aggression, are often found to be less aggressive than standard Siamese fighting fish. However, don’t be fooled by their calmer demeanor! They still possess the iconic betta spirit and require careful companionship considerations in an aquarium setting.

The Art of Giant Betta Keeping: Tips and Tricks

  • Tank Size: Given their size, giant bettas require a larger tank than your standard betta. A 10-gallon tank is a suitable starting point, but larger is always better.
  • Water Conditions: As a tropical fish, maintain the tank’s temperature between 76°F to 80°F. A pH level of 6.5 to 7.5 is ideal for their health and wellbeing.
  • Feeding: A balanced diet of high-quality betta pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia, will keep your giant betta healthy and vibrant.
  • Tank Mates: Giant bettas, while less aggressive than their smaller counterparts, can still exhibit territorial behavior. Therefore, avoid keeping them with other betta fish or fin-nipping species. Opt for peaceful, non-invasive tank mates, such as corydoras catfish or neon tetras.
  • Maintenance: Regular water changes, filter maintenance, and tank cleaning are essential to prevent the build-up of harmful toxins and bacteria.
  • Enrichment: Include hiding spots like caves, plants, and decorations to provide stimulation and reduce stress.

Breeding Giant Bettas: A Paternal Role

Giant bettas, like other betta species, are paternal mouth-brooders. This means that it’s the male’s responsibility to carry the fertilized eggs in his mouth until they hatch. This unique method of parental care further adds to the intrigue surrounding these aquatic marvels.

Giant Betta vs. King Betta: The Royal Comparison

Often confused, Giant bettas and King bettas are indeed distinct. While both types are larger than standard bettas, King bettas grow up to around 3 inches long, thus being smaller than giant bettas. Remember, despite their similar larger sizes, these two betta types exhibit unique characteristics and need specialized care to thrive.

Conservation Status: A Wake-Up Call

As of the current date, there’s limited information on the exact conservation status of wild giant betta populations. However, habitat degradation and the pet trade may pose threats. It’s essential for betta enthusiasts to promote ethical breeding and sustainable practices to ensure the survival of these awe-inspiring fish.


How big can a giant betta fish get?

The largest recorded specimen of giant betta fish in the wild was 7.2 inches. However, most domesticated giant bettas range between 3 to 7 inches.

Are giant betta fish aggressive?

While giant bettas are generally less aggressive than standard Siamese fighting fish, they can still display territorial behavior.

What tank size does a giant betta fish need?

Given their size, a 10-gallon tank is a suitable starting point for giant bettas. However, providing a larger space can significantly enhance their quality of life.

How do giant betta fish breathe?

Giant bettas, as anabantoid fish, breathe through a labyrinth organ, allowing them to inhale oxygen directly from the air above the water surface.


Giant betta fish, with their striking beauty and unique traits, hold a special place in the aquatic world. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or a budding fish enthusiast, these magnificent creatures offer a compelling journey of discovery and joy. Share your experiences, queries, or thoughts about giant bettas in the comments below — we love hearing from our readers!

  1. Life of Fish
  2. Betta Source
  3. JV Betta Fish For Sale
  4. Fish Keeping World

