Unveiling the Allure of the Purple Betta Fish: A Rare Jewel in the Aquarium

Betta Buddy
4 min readMay 17, 2023


Dive into the captivating world of the purple Betta fish, a rare and beautiful species, as we explore its unique characteristics, care tips, and more.

As the author of the bestseller eBook ‘Betta Buddy: Fins, Friendship & Beyond,’ I have had the pleasure of introducing readers to the fascinating world of Betta fish. Today, we journey into the captivating realm of the purple Betta fish, a rare gem that can transform any aquarium into a vibrant spectacle.

The Purple Betta Fish: A Majestic Rarity

The Origin of the Purple Betta

The Betta splendens, commonly known as the Betta fish, hails from the tranquil waters of Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, and Vietnam. Among its colorful spectrum, the purple Betta is a color variant that stands out for its distinctive hue. It’s not just a Betta fish — it’s a statement, a live jewel that adds a royal touch to your aquarium.

The Elusive True Purple Betta

Not all purple Bettas are the same. The true purple Betta, with its pure purple body, is even rarer and more sought after. Distinguishing a true purple Betta from a blue-purple variant can be a challenge for the untrained eye. However, with a closer look, you can discern the difference. A blue-purple Betta may seem purple at first glance, but the true purple Betta stands out with its consistent coloration.

Breeding the Purple Betta: An Art in Itself

Breeders have attempted to create the elusive purple Betta by pairing royal blue male Bettas, which lean closer to purple, with bluish-red females. This match has resulted in violet-colored purple Bettas. There are many sub-breeds of purple Bettas, including the Purple Gas, Purple Salamander, and Purple Popsicle Bettas, which show apparent purple hues due to their iridescent parents.

How to Care for Your Purple Betta Fish

Providing a Comfortable Environment

Just like any pet, your purple Betta deserves a happy and comfortable life. Ensuring they have a spacious and clean tank, a balanced diet, and proper water conditions is paramount to their well-being.

Understand Your Betta’s Cost

While most purple Betta fish will cost around $10, some can reach as high as $25, especially if they are true purples. The price tag reflects their rarity and the effort breeders put into creating these beautiful creatures.

The Lifespan of a Purple Betta

With proper care, your purple Betta can lead a long and fruitful life. So, while they might require an initial investment, the companionship and beauty they bring are well worth the effort.


1. How rare is a true purple Betta fish?

True purple Betta fish are quite rare. The majority of purple Bettas have a mix of blue and purple, and only a few exhibit a consistent purple color.

2. How can I tell a true purple Betta from a blue-purple Betta?

The difference lies in the consistency of the color. A true purple Betta exhibits a consistent purple color all over its body, whereas a blue-purple Betta may have areas of blue mixed with purple.

3. How much does a purple Betta fish cost?

The cost of a purple Betta fish can range from $10 to $25, depending on the color intensity and the breeder’s pricing. True purple Bettas, due to their rarity, tend to be the most expensive.

4. How long does a purple Betta fish live?

With proper care and a healthy environment, a purple Betta fish can live a long and fruitful life. Their lifespan typically ranges from 3 to 5 years.

The Emotional Connection: Your Purple Betta and You

There’s more to owning a purple Betta than meets the eye. Beyond their vibrant hues and mesmerizing beauty, these creatures can form a deep emotional bond with their human companions. Their interactive behavior and unique personalities make them much more than just pets — they become your friends, your confidants, your quiet listeners. They become a part of your family.

Why Owning a Purple Betta Can Be Therapeutic

There’s a soothing calmness in the way a Betta fish glides through the water, their fins flowing like silk. Watching your purple Betta swim can be a form of therapy, a moment of tranquility in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Their vibrant purple hue can add a splash of positivity to your day, serving as a reminder of the beautiful things in life that are worth pausing for.

In Conclusion: The Purple Betta — A True Aquarium Gem

There’s no denying the allure of the purple Betta fish. Their unique coloration, combined with their engaging personalities, make them a truly prized possession for any aquarium enthusiast. The journey to owning and caring for a purple Betta is not just about maintaining a pet — it’s about forging a bond, a friendship that goes beyond the confines of your aquarium.

Remember, providing the best care for your purple Betta means understanding their needs, respecting their natural behavior, and creating a comfortable environment for them to thrive in. Because in the end, a happy Betta means a happy you!

What has been your experience with purple Betta fish? Have you had the pleasure of owning this rare jewel of the aquarium? Share your stories and thoughts in the comments section below!

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