Create Your Own Landing Page: The Key to Unlocking Your Sales Funnel

Sean Newborn
4 min readAug 15, 2024


Your Landing Page is most important step in the Sales Funnel that walks your followers through what you have to offer in your products and services

Yes, a newsletter is a product, even though it may be free to start. When someone opts-in to receive a newsletter, they want to get a product that you have written and created.

Your content on social media or other sites interested someone and they wanted more of what you have to offer.

The Landing Page consolidates this offer and outlines what it is you are including in that offer — even if it is a free newsletter, it’s still an offer.

My Landing Page details that I will be writing extensively on how to start your solopreneur business, improve your writing, get organized, and build an ecosystem of products and services.

So it’s time to dive in and show you have can create your own Landing Page.

Creating a Landing Page

So if you haven’t started a newsletter yet, you can follow and complete the steps along with me or do so at a later time.

If you are using ConvertKit, they have the landing page option under the Grow tab. If you are using another newsletter website, they will have something similar.

They have lots of templates to choose from, so either pick one that is minimalist or one that you want to add a bit more details, like mine.

I used the Emerald template and edited it to include my specifics:

  1. What is your vision or goals of your newsletter?
  2. What will you write about?
  3. What are your follower’s pain points and how will your newsletter provide solutions to those problems?
  4. What will you do to “sell” your newsletter to your followers? How will you entice them to opt-in and subscribe?
  5. What visuals will you include to grab the reader’s attention?

If you subscribed to other newsletters or seen other landing pages, screenshot them and analyze them for how they create theirs.

Landing Page Analytics

I built this my landing page a month ago, so I am watching the analytics to see how it has been performing since I started it. Right now there is a 17% conversion rate, which is great, considering anything above 10% is ideal.

Analyzing how your creations, products, and services are performing is very important to scaling or growing your business. If the analytics are not there, you need to edit or reiterate to improve the numbers.

The sooner you have written, created, built, and published your newsletter, landing page, welcome emails, etc., the sooner you can begin creating and building digital products, eBooks, and courses.

The newsletter and landing page are all part of your sales funnel to drive your followers and subscribers to purchase your products and monetize your business.

Once you have created your landing page, you need to decide how often you will publish it. I have started at once per week, because I want to continue to provide value to my subscribers, and hold myself accountable to keep building my own business.

You can start once a month if that is too much for you at the beginning.

Final Thoughts

The most important part of all of my advice and walkthroughs is:

Just get started.

Write It.

Create It.

Build It.

Hit Publish.

You won’t regret it — I promise:)

Comment, Like or Follow

Like many of you reading this post, I’m still a beginner and learning every day.

I post daily on 𝕏, so if you want to follow along on my own journey, please drop me a follow @bewriteontime or click Sean Newborn.

If I missed something that new users to X should do to grow their audience for Free, comment below.

If this post helped or reminded you about when you first started, please give a comment below about your early struggles.

We all want to learn from each other and share our own journeys.

Your past self would thank you for it.




Sean Newborn

Coach-educator helping solopreneurs start a one-person business on a budget step-by-step. Write/Create/Build/Transform a side-hustle ecosystem to online empire