Kickstart Your đť•Ź Journey: Free 4-Pack For Success

Sean Newborn
4 min readJul 12, 2024


Don’t spend money you don’t have to get started on 𝕏.

This is the advice I would tell my past self when I started two months ago.

Instead of paying money for every internet quick fix, which is what I did, or follow the advice of some “make 10k every hour” guru, do it DIY-style.

If I did it all over again, I would follow these 3 steps:

The đť•Ź Starter 4-Pack

Step 1: Read and Learn

Step 2: Write Drafts

Step 3: Build Community

Step 4: Bonus Tip

Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Step 1: Read and Learn

Find 10 creators that resonate with you.

Read their content.

Read their profile and bio.

Read their comments.

Do you connect with their background, interests, posts, overall vibe or do they turn you off and provide no value to a beginner?

My Profile Bio on đť•Ź

Learn why they post content.

Learn what content they post.

Learn when they post content.

Does their current content motivate you or give actionable tips to grow your audience?

Read their past comments.

Read their past content.

Read their past posts.

Did they reveal anything that could help you on your X journey?

And finally.

Read and learn the different kinds of short form or long form posts. Read how they phrase each one and learn what format they use.

Use this knowledge for Step 2.

Step 2: Write Drafts

Use Google Docs or MS Word and write drafts of your first posts.

Short form posts or 280 character tweets are a good place to start.

This tweet was a comment on a big đť•Ź creator account and I repurposed it for a short form.

You can begin writing about your

  • goals
  • interests
  • background
  • future aspirations

Just start writing down your thoughts. These are based on similar ideas you read and learned in Step 1.

Think about what happened to you in the past and how these experiences shaped who you are.

Others will read your posts and connect with those experiences.

When you get a lot of likes and/or comments from others, give details or expand it in future posts.

Short form ➡️ Long form.

Show your personality early in your posts so others can connect with you.

Before you know it

You’ll have a community.

Step 3: Build Community

This is the most important step in the X Starter Pack.

Starting out on social media is a lot like being a freshman in high school.

You feel like an outsider, but you want to make friends.

In order to do this, you need to

Talk to others.

Early and often.

This means commenting on other accounts right away.

A comment expanding on the idea presented by Matt Gray, which got a lot of engagement and followers for me. Avoid just summarizing their post or replying with one or two words.

Respond to their posts as if you were talking to a friend.

“This is awesome” is great every so often.

But you want friends that tell you why you’re awesome.

Or what you posted really hit home.

Or how their post helped you in some way.

These are the friends we all want.

So be that friend.

Make insightful comments on other accounts and you will build the community you desire.

Start to follow the large accounts with lots of followers. Comment early and often on their accounts.

This will bring even more of the friends you want to your content.

By reading, learning, and posting, these “heavy hitters” will quickly become noticeable in your feed.

When you leave a meaningful comment on their post and expand on their ideas, others will look you up.

And follow you.

This is why building your community is so important to your growth.

Step 4: Bonus Step — Comment, Clap or Follow

“Wait, this isn’t a real Bonus!”

Well, actually it is. Always ask your readers to comment, retweet, and most importantly, follow. Do this after every one of your posts, but NOT after every comment.

Don’t be shy about this step, as it builds your community and your followers are like friends and will share your message if you treat them as such.

They will also engage with your content, which increases your impressions and value to Twitter, which then boosts your content to other readers on he platform.

Thank You for Your Time and Reading.

Like many of you reading this post, I’m still a beginner and learning every day.

I post daily on đť•Ź, so if you want to follow along on my own journey, please drop me a follow @bewriteontime or click Sean Newborn.

I also have a weekly newsletter with even more tips, words of encouragement and motivation, and pathways to monetize your writing. Sign up here —

If I missed something that new users to X should do to grow their audience for Free, comment below.

If this post helped or reminded you about when you first started, please give comment below your early struggles.

We all want to learn from each other and share our own journeys.

Your past self would thank you for it.




Sean Newborn

Coach-educator helping solopreneurs start a one-person business on a budget step-by-step. Write/Create/Build/Transform a side-hustle ecosystem to online empire