Meet the team: B91 project director Sébastien Vannier

2 min readMar 3, 2017


Sébastien Vannier

Sébastien Vannier is Beyond 91’s project director and president of the Babel Germany association. He is based in Berlin and works as a correspondent for French media.

Why did you want to be a part of Beyond 91?

I wanted to give a voice to young Europeans from countries we rarely hear about. To discover what daily life looks like in societies where the “European identity” is seen from another perspective. To have the chance to work with talented authors, photographers and engaged partners in a time where the media is under pressure.

What does “Perestroika” mean to you?

It was one of the few Russian words we learned at school. This word sounds to me like a sudden change of paradigm, of atmosphere, of colors — including all the brutality this change also mean.

What were you doing in 1989?

Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the French revolution, like every kid in France! I vaguely remember the pictures of the Berlin Wall on TV, not knowing that another revolution was happening and that I would be living in this city twenty years later.

Do you believe in “Cold War”?

I am frightened of people playing with this fear of a new “Cold war” and manipulating the public opinion with methods of escalation on every side.

What do you associate with the former communist East of Europe?

We should use the chance we have now to discover this very interesting, beautiful and complex space. Speaking and debating with our neighbors, instead of remaining in our former stereotypes, will help us to build the future of Europe together.




Exploring Eastern Europe through the eyes of the “Perestroika Generation”. A project by