Spark’s Data Skew Odyssey: Conquering the Chaos

Bharathkumar V
10 min readNov 9, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of big data processing, Apache Spark has emerged as a beacon of hope for organizations striving to harness the power of massive datasets.

Its lightning-fast processing capabilities, scalability, and user-friendly APIs have made it the go-to choice for data engineers and analysts. However, as any seasoned Spark user will tell that this open-source framework is not without its challenges, and one of the most formidable foes it faces is data skew.

Optimizing Data Skew in Spark ( Illustration Source : Freepik )

Picture yourself as the fearless adventurer, standing at the threshold of this formidable odyssey. Your eyes gleam with determination, your armor is comprised of knowledge, and your weapon is a sharpened wit, forged in the fires of experience. You are about to conquer the chaos that data skew brings to Spark, and in doing so, unlock the full potential of your big data processing adventures.

As you set out on this heroic mission, you’re not alone. Data skew is a common adversary, and it has confounded many before you. But you’ve come prepared, armed with the wisdom that this blog will bestow upon you. Together, we shall journey deep into the heart of Spark’s Data Skew Odyssey.

Throughout this blog, we’ll unravel the mysteries of data skew, decode its causes, and reveal the battle-tested strategies that will empower us to stand victorious against this formidable foe in the realm of Apache Spark.

Before Starting, Embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of Spark optimization with the main blog, “Mastering Spark’s Performance Puzzle: Top 5 Challenges 🚀” Gain profound insights into overcoming the foremost challenges, setting the stage for a more detailed exploration in this leaf blog.

We’ll face these things in this journey:

  1. Understanding Data Skew: The Nemesis of Spark
  2. The Impact of Data Skew on Spark Jobs
  3. Detecting Data Skew: Unmasking the Culprit
  4. Strategies for Taming Data Skew
  5. Conclusion: Embracing the Data Skew Challenge

Understanding Data Skew: The Nemesis of Spark

It refers to an imbalance in the distribution of data among processing units or partitions, leading to uneven processing and performance issues.

Let us consider a simple analogy to completely understand how data skew actually occurs in big data processing.

( Illustration source : Freepik )

Assume that a teacher handed each student a bag of coins and instructed them to count the number of coins in each bag and report the total number of coins. There are four pupils seated in the classroom, and they are not equally distributed among the bags. One student has four bags, while the other three have two.

Three students will complete their task more quickly because they only need to count two bags, whereas the other student will need more time to determine how many coins there are in total. The pupils who have finished their task will be waiting for the other to reveal how many coins are in the bag overall. Due to the unequal distribution of bags among the students, this situation causes a delay in the total number of coins that must be reported.

In the context of Spark, the “teacher” represents the Spark cluster, which consists of multiple worker nodes or computing resources. The “three students” represent the individual worker nodes or computing resources in the Spark cluster. The “bag of coins” is analogous to the dataset that needs to be processed. This dataset is divided into partitions, much like the coins in the bag, to make it more manageable for parallel processing.

Data Skew Scenario in Processing

Spark divides large datasets into smaller, manageable partitions that can be processed in parallel across a cluster of computing nodes. Each partition ideally contains a roughly equal amount of data, allowing for efficient parallel processing and optimal resource utilization.

Data skew occurs when one or a few partitions contain significantly more data than others. This imbalance disrupts the even distribution of workload across the cluster and has several adverse effects such as Increased Data Shuffling, Performance bottlenecks etc.,

Causes and common scenarios that lead to data skew

  1. Natural Data Skew: In datasets where events or data points are naturally skewed over time (e.g., seasonal sales data). Data skew can also be introduced when data is ingested from external sources or systems that are themselves skewed. For example, if a data source is partitioned in a skewed manner, the skew may carry over into Spark.
  2. Inadequate Data Partitioning: The data is partitioned among processing nodes or workers based on a partitioning strategy (e.g., hash or range partitioning). If the chosen partitioning strategy is not well-suited to the data distribution, it can result in unevenly sized partitions.
  3. Unequal Key and Data Values: Some specific data values or keys are much more frequent than others in the dataset. Data skew often occurs when a dataset is partitioned based on a key, and some keys have a disproportionately larger number of associated records than others. For example, in a dataset of user activity, a small subset of users may generate a majority of the records, causing skew.
  4. Data Ingestion Patterns: In real-time or streaming data scenarios, data may arrive in bursts or spikes, causing some partitions to receive a disproportionate amount of data. If data is ingested into Spark at an uneven rate, it can lead to temporary data skew. For example, data arriving in bursts may overload specific partitions. If data is ingested in bursts, with some partitions receiving a lot of data while others remain relatively idle, this uneven arrival pattern can cause data skew.
  5. Data Quality Issues: Data quality problems, such as duplicates or anomalies, can lead to skew if they cluster around specific data points.
  6. Data Sampling: Data sampling or filtering processes may be biased towards specific data attributes, causing skewed subsets of data to be processed.
  7. Data Imbalance in Aggregations: When performing aggregations like sum or count, partitions with more records will require more processing, leading to skew.
  8. Data Filtering, Join and Group by Operations:
  • Filtering: When filtering a large dataset, if the filter condition significantly reduces the size of one partition compared to others, it can result in data skew. For example, filtering data for a specific date range might leave some partitions nearly empty.
  • Join Operations: Joining two datasets can lead to data skew if the join keys are not evenly distributed across partitions. If a few keys have much higher cardinality than others, it can create skew during join operations.
  • Group by Operations: If the data within the groups generated by the groupby operation is unevenly distributed, it can lead to data skew. For example, when grouping data by a specific column, some groups may contain significantly more records than others.

The Impact of Data Skew on Spark Jobs

Data skew can significantly slow down our Spark applications by introducing performance bottlenecks and disrupting the parallel processing efficiency that Spark is known for.

Performance of skewed jobs
  1. Uneven Workload Distribution: Data skew results in an uneven distribution of data across partitions. Some Spark tasks have more work to do, while others are underutilized, creating an imbalance in workload distribution.
  2. Increased Data Shuffling: To address data skew, Spark often needs to shuffle data between partitions to balance the workload. Shuffling involves extensive data transfers over the network, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive which in turn increases the overall execution time.
  3. Reduced Parallelism: Data skew undermines the parallelism which is the core benefit of Spark, by causing some nodes to be idle while others are heavily loaded. As a result, Spark cannot fully exploit the parallel processing power of the cluster.

Detecting Data Skew: Unmasking the Culprit

Identifying data skew in your Spark job is essential for optimizing performance. By using specific tools and techniques, we can pinpoint skewed partitions and areas where performance bottlenecks occur.

Tools and Techniques to Identify Data Skew

  1. Monitoring Tools
  • Spark UI (Web User Interface): Spark provides a web-based user interface that displays real-time information about job progress, task execution, and data shuffling. To identify Skew, stages with a significant duration difference between tasks can be checked. Under Stages tab, expand the Event Timeline option to see the time duration results of each task.
Spark Web UI

2. Logging and Metrics

  • Logging Statements: Introducing custom logging statements in our Spark code to record the progress and performance of different tasks and stages will help to identify anomalies in task execution times.
  • Custom Metrics: Using libraries like Dropwizard Metrics or StatsD to capture custom metrics related to Spark application’s performance. These metrics can be analyzed to identify outliers and skew-related issues.

3. Profiling and Visualizations

  • Utilize Data profile in Databricks for data profiling and visualization, which can highlight data skew issues. These tools often provide a visual representation of data distribution.
Data Profiling in Databricks

4. Profile and Sample Data

  • Sample a portion of data and profile it to identify the presence of skew. Tools like Apache Spark’s sample() function and common data profiling libraries can be used to analyze the data distribution.

5. Outlier Detection Algorithms

  • Implement outlier detection algorithms on task execution times or partition sizes. Algorithms like Z-score or percentile-based methods can help identify tasks or partitions with significantly different execution times.
Types of skews

Strategies for Taming Data Skew

Data skew mitigation is crucial for optimizing the performance of our Spark applications. Preprocessing and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) are stages where we can proactively address data skew issues.

Some of the mitigation strategies that can be carried out in pre-processing and ETL are as follows:

  • Data Sampling : Before performing extensive ETL or data processing, sample a portion of the dataset to assess its distribution. Sampling can help us to detect initial signs of data skew.
    How It Helps: Early detection of skew allows us to make informed decisions about how to preprocess or partition the data effectively.
  • Partitioning and Bucketing: Implement custom partitioning or bucketing strategies during the ETL process to evenly distribute data. Partition data based on business logic, key values, or other factors to ensure a balanced workload. Also, Use dynamic repartitioning techniques that can automatically adjust the data distribution as needed during processing.
    How It Helps: Custom partitioning reduces the risk of data skew by distributing the data more even which improves parallelism during processing.
Bucketing In Spark
  • Data Filtering and Pruning: Apply filter and pruning techniques during ETL to remove irrelevant or unrepresentative data. For example, filter out data points that are outliers or not required for analysis.
    How It Helps: Reducing the amount of skewed data in our dataset by filtering and pruning techniques, helps to mitigate the impact of skew during Spark processing.
  • Data Transformation: Transform data to reduce skew. For example, aggregate data at a higher granularity or consolidate skewed values.
    How It Helps: Data transformations can help create a more balanced and manageable dataset for Spark processing.
  • Data Replication and Broadcasting: Replicate smaller datasets or broadcast smaller lookup tables to all worker nodes. This can be particularly useful for join operations with skewed keys.
    How It Helps: By ensuring that smaller datasets are readily available on all nodes, we can prevent excessive data shuffling and improve join efficiency.
Broadcasting in Spark
  • Salting: Salting is a technique used to mitigate data skew by adding a random or pseudo-random value to the data to spread it more evenly across partitions or buckets.
    How It Helps: This randomness ensures that records with the same original key are spread evenly across partitions, thereby improving the balance of data distribution and improves parallel data processing.
  • Dynamic Load Balancing: Implement dynamic load balancing mechanisms to monitor the execution progress of tasks.
    How It Helps: When data skew is detected, the query execution engine can redistribute the work to underutilized nodes, ensuring a more balanced execution.
  • Adaptive Query Execution: This feature allows the query planner to dynamically adjust the execution plan based on runtime statistics.
    How It Helps: In the presence of data skew, the query execution plan can adapt to balance the workload.

Conclusion: Embracing the Data Skew Challenge

In the epic odyssey of Spark’s Data Skew Challenge, we have emerged victorious over the chaos. What was once a source of disruption has become an opportunity for mastery.

By embracing the data skew challenge, we have transformed it into a force for optimization. We’ve learned to navigate the turbulent waters with precision, ensuring that our Spark applications sail smoothly.

This triumph is not the end but a new beginning, a testament to our ability to conquer chaos and evolve in the world of data processing.

