Can pain be taught to robots? And why is it important to do it?

Biagio Teseo
1 min readOct 4, 2018

A few months ago is the experiment involving a robot arm that feels “something” every time it tries to pick up and lift an object. Another, with wheels, if hit, slows down and becomes insecure. The goal is to make artificial intelligence “more human” … keep reading on AGI (IT)

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“Dr. Gall: Robots almost do not experience physical pain. This did not give good results. We must introduce suffering. Helena: And are they happier if they feel pain? Dr. Gall: On the contrary. But they are technically more perfect. (Karel Čapek, R.U.R.)”

#AI #Robot



Biagio Teseo

web and graphic designer, developer, social media expert, speaker, teacher and technology adviser