Whatever You Do, Just Start.

Bianca Bass
2 min readApr 5, 2016
Credit: lifewithme.com/gallery-wall

I have a feeling you know what I’m talking about. That project, that blog, that website, that thing. Just start.

There’s a reason you can’t stop thinking about it, you know.

So send that email, buy that domain name, make that call. Whatever it takes, start.

Maybe your idea will be a huge success, maybe it’ll be a small flame, maybe it’ll be a flood. Don’t you owe it to yourself to find out?

Maybe you feel uncertain, unprepared or unqualified. But what you have right now is enough. You are enough. So, start.

If you’re waiting for the “right time”, you’ll be waiting forever. In fact, if your idea is worth it, you’ll never feel ready. Progress begins at the end of your comfort zone. That’s when it gets meaningful. That’s when things get interesting.

You can prepare and plan and overanalyse as much as you like. The real learning begins when you start creating. The beauty is in the challenge. The growth is in the struggle.

Inspiration only comes knocking every once in a while. Are you going to open the door or deny your idea its right to become? Are you going to deny yourself the chance to get started?

Turn “I’m not sure I can” into “I’ll figure it out”. Start now, work hard and you will figure the rest out. Just start.



Bianca Bass

British-Brazilian writer and marketer sharing ideas on better communication, creativity and personal development. ✨