Naji Tueni, Founder & CEO at Koolood, candidate to Big Booster

2 min readSep 17, 2015


You have decided to candidate for Big Booster : what is your main motivation to apply to this brand new international startups acceleration program?

The opportunity to have an international exposure as “Khoolood” social platform concept is unique worldwide in terms of publishing Obituaries and related services. Moreover “Khoolood Messenger” Application is also unique. Therefore any International exposure with accelarators will help in terms on getting advices on how to develop this concept worldwide.

In what way Big Booster appears to be different from other acceleration programs?

The networking and experience of mentors will help “Khoolood” international expansion

How can the Big Booster program help a start-up like yours?

Finding mentors and funds that would like to invest in “Khoolood” start-up for future development of this concept worldwide.

Which kind of relationship between selected start-ups and key partners are you waiting for?

Expertise and Know-how in international finance, as this will help me get the best financing schemes from prospected funds.

How can Big Booster help a startup company develop its network on an international level?

International networking, and International exposures with well connected mentors, will help any promising start-up to get the proper financing for its international expansion.




International startups acceleration program. International connection, across the globe.