9 Easy-To-Host Birthday Party Games For Kids

6 min readJan 16, 2018


Looking for best and easy birthday party games for 5 to 10-year-olds? Have you ever been to a birthday party and you had nothing to do? Well, birthday parties are incomplete without gifts, music, jokes, entertainment and games. If you’re having a child’s birthday party at home or indoor playground, be sure to create a suitable ambiance by choosing from the popular themed birthday party ideas. Only a colorful ambiance will set the stage for the kids to loosen up and enjoy the party. But what can actually let kids have real fun are the interesting games that you hold. We have curated a few easy games that will make you a great host of a kid’s birthday party!

Here are some cool birthday party games for 5 to 10-year-old toddlers:

Hot Potato Game

Hot potato game

Hot potato is one of the most entertaining birthday party games. In this game, the kids stand in a circle with the game coordinator sitting in the center of the circle. The coordinator closes his or her eyes. Then, the coordinator throws or tosses the ball to a kid in the circle.

The kid who grabs the ball passes it to the next kid standing in the circle. The process of passing the ball continues till the game coordinator speaks the words ‘hot potato’. Once the coordinator has uttered the words, the kid having the ball exits the circle. The game goes on correspondingly until only one kid is left holding the ball. That kid is clearly the winner of the game.

Surprise Package Game

girls playing games

This is a pretty cool and entertaining party game. To play the game, put a ‘mega prize gift’ in a small box and then wrap it. Then, put that little wrapped box within a set of other wrapped boxes. Make sure each set of box consists of a small gift. Then, the game starts. The kids sit in a circle and start handing out the whole gift box when the music starts. Once the music stops, the kid left having the gift box unwraps it and takes the gift placed inside. That kid then exits the circle. The game continues when the music restarts. The kid who unwraps the last small box gets the mega prize.

Identify A Person By Their Photo

kids playing games cute

Take some photographs of celebrities, freedom fighters and politicians and stick them to bulletin board. Take the board in front of kids and ask each one them to identify the famous personalities by their pictures attached to the board. The one who is successful in identifying the most number of famous personalities becomes the winner and gets chocolates and other rewards. It is fun to watch kids wrongly guessing the names of personalities.

Pin the Tail On The Donkey Game

Pin the tail on the donkey

This is a pretty funny birthday party game as the participating kids have to pin the tail on the right location. Participating kids are divided into two teams. Participants are blindfolded prior to their chance to correctly pin the tail on the donkey in the image. The whole activity creates humor as sometimes blindfolded participants go in wrong direction or place the tail at a very funny location.

The participant who is successful in placing the tail on the actual or closest location gets the most points compared to those who place it far or incorrectly. Also, the opposite team members try to mislead the participant by giving wrong instructions so that the participant gets confused and places the tail at wrong spot.

Finally, the team that scores higher becomes the winning team.

Slow Cycle Race

slow cycling kids birthday party games

Slow and steady wins the race. This game will actually prove it. In this game, kids are provided with cycles and whoever is able to complete the race lastly becomes the winner of the race. This game really improves the kids’ balance and skills on cycles. It is very entertaining to watch kids struggle for the very last position.

Freeze Dance Game


Let the music play and have the kids exhibit their dance moves. When the music pauses, everyone must stop dancing and freeze. Anybody caught dancing after the song has paused gets out of the game. Play the music again, have the remaining players dance and abruptly pause the music. The ones caught dancing or moving are eliminated. Continue the activity till there is only one alert dancer left in the group. This is one of the most funniest birthday party games and looking someone who continues to dance after the pause is quite humorous.

Start A Story With the Words


This is a pretty easy game that doesn’t need any toys or equipment. In this game, one kid sets out a story with four words. The kid sitting next needs to continue the story by adding 4 meaningful words in it. The participant who is unable to continue making the story or takes more than 10 seconds to add 4 meaningful words to the story gets eliminated. The story continues till you find the best story maker. Sometimes the stories go in directions that are humorous.

Recognize the Voice

Birthday Party Games kids

Select a kid. Blindfold that kid and allow other kids or guests to make a circle around. Silently point a kid in the circle to come close to the blindfolded kid and say something in different voice or tone. If the blindfolded kid is successful in recognizing the voice and the person, their positions are exchanged. In case the blindfolded kid is not able to recognize the voice, first kid from the circle rejoins the circle and another kid from circle comes close to the blindfolded kid and the activity is repeated. It is entertaining to see a kid speaking in a different tone.

Musical Bumps Game

Children playing musical chairs birthday party game ideas kids

Much like musical chairs and freeze dance, this game also tests kids’ alertness and presence of mind. Turn up the music and let the kids dance. They need to sit down on the floor when the music pauses. The one who continues to dance after the pause or sits down lastly gets eliminated. The game goes on until you find a dancing kid with great presence of mind. Besides winning or losing, this game definitely adds enjoyment to the party. To end the games at a higher note, give presents or little gifts to runners-up, second runners-up and the participants.

If the friends list of your kid is bigger than what your home can host or naughtier than what your house can bear, then you need to find a suitable venue within your budget. Check out the list of all venues in Chennai suitable for birthday parties with exclusive discounts with each of them and decide what suits you the best!

Originally published at BigFday.




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