Top Ten Things You Will Learn in #PBandJterm

Matt Sabados
2 min readJan 7, 2016

Learning things in class? *gasp*

  1. How to make a twitter list.

I mean, it’s not something that you worry too much about on twitter, but it’s something to know.

2. How to use TweetDeck & Hootsuite

Scrolling live updates and and combined social media make for a much easier and personal experience. (These get serious and less matter-of-fact, don’t worry)

3. The overall importance of brand recognition.

You have a personal brand, just like companies have their brand. Your name is your brand, and you want it to be recognizable.

Imagine your name is this logo. It’s not, but imagine.

4. Still have a personality online.

It’s perfectly fine to still reflect who you are in the professional world. Your personality can even attract people to your brand, but always make sure to find the line between professionalism and personality.

5. You can get you work seen by anyone, if you put in enough effort.

With all the social media websites, promoting yourself is now easier than ever. The internet allows you to reach a wide range of audiences and make a name for yourself.

6. Fake it ‘till you make it.

Don’t lie, you’re at least somewhat confused and unsure about what you’re doing. Don’t worry, everyone is! If you just keep up with those around you, you’ll pick up what you’re missing. (In all seriousness, when I started calling basketball I could barely tell you any rules other than scoring, now I’ve got it down.)

8. Be part of the conversation.

The more involved you are with those around you, the more they will acknowledge you, and the more they acknowledge you, the more others will, too. Retweets on retweets on retweets, son.

9. Happiness can lead to success, and sometimes vice versa

Everyone wants to be happy and successful, right? Duh. Well sometimes one can stem from the other, and it’s good to have both in your life.

10. Jazz Hands

Because Jill forced me to do them today, and I don’t think it was the last time she will do that.



Matt Sabados

I talk about sports into microphones, sometimes in front of cameras. Lindenwood University.