Inspiring Greatness

East vs West

Big Tows322, PhD


There are loads of differences between East and West family units. For example, every country below Texas has Southeast Asian (SEA) esque family values and traditions. Texas and up are self gratification vulture capitalists. Asians have more respect for people especially important people like teachers vs Westerners' money grab.

In 1975, the word adulthood in the West was synonymous with getting married, moving out of our parents house and either renting or buying a house at the tender age of 18 or 22 (if having attended uni), holding a secure financial career after earning a bachelors degree, and playing golf in our spare time.

In the SEA, the same is true except for moving away from home. Asians top priority is the family unit while Westerners' top priority is selfishness and alleged independence. I much prefer the Asian lifestyle.

Even independent people rely on others. No one is self-taught. If we read from a book, watch a documentary and extrapolate original ideas, see Youtube’s Physics Girl in action, etc, then we are learning from others.

One of my many Jewish mentors growing up is a computer science instructor at a university in the USA. I had the luxury of playing Jai-Alai against him and Maths Bob for the first time as an adult at Christmas last year, my ultimate fantasy come true! 😍 As a youth, I played competitively against Maths Teacher Bob and “The King” (TK) as well as many other interesting characters.

Maths Bob and TK, were the best Jai-Alai playing duo at Amatuer. But they screamed at each other like sworn enemies. Off the court, buddy-buddy, but the court changes us. In Asia, teachers are righteously the most respected profession just as I respected my teaching mentors as a youth and whatevs “adulthood” means.

I have lived in Asia on and off for two years and counting; I currently make the SEA my home.

I enjoy the Asian family culture because even if sad Asians pretend to smile. See, even the statues smile. 😍

In Asia, it’s common to treat all members of one’s ethnicity as younger or older brothers and sisters. It’s also common to live in the same house in the 4th dimension i.e. from birth to death.

Asian males are often more respected culturally, but time is slowly catching up to equality treatment of both sexes. For example, in China, the youngest male has more "power" than an elder lady. Chinese people will also abort females because males are desired. China had a one child only policy for a long while, recently upgraded to two children max in order to retain government benefits.

Asians also have financially sound minds and are shrewd business people. Asians are more likely than our western counterparts to take risk in razor-thin margin businesses start-ups like 7/11s.

Asians also keep on average of 30-40% of their take home pay for rainy day emergencies. Westerners rely on credit and payday loans for their emergency situations. For example, in the USA, middle income savers save on average of 5-6% of their take home pay and the lower one’s income the less likely those individuals will save at all.

Westerners live the Burger King theme, "Have it your way," while Asians give the most respect to the elders as it should be. Elders are the wise men and ladies. When elders talk we should listen instead of as is typical of Western cultures waiting for our turn to gab. Learning from others' experiences is a virtue.

Asians like Westerners are likely to hire family more than qualified outsiders referred to as nepotism, one of the few western traits I don’t admire in Eastern cultures.

In the West, we pay reality TV stars and professional athletes retarded somes of money to provide us mindless entertainment. In Asian cultures, teachers are usually the highest paid and most respected because teachers are instrumental in molding the minds of the future.

I much prefer the Asian cultures because Asians trust and respect what’s most important in life i.e. family, teachers, healers, and experiences, that inspire greatness in us all! 😘🏄

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Big Tows322, PhD

Forever Curious, Gladiators in Boardshorts, United We Walk! 🏄