Gypsies' Life Stylin Part7: Sloth’s 12 Commandments

Big Tows322, PhD
2 min readJan 12, 2017

If I were to begin a happy religious movement (RM) then I’d call it Mpathy RM. Rule #1 and #2 is how every micro-relationship would begin.

Much of the rest of powerful world governments believe empathy is for the weak. France and other practicing friendship countries are generally bullied as pussies because they believe in diplomacy vs warring. Empathy and compromise should be the role model for all others to follow.

All members will be free to choose their own fairytale name and theme song.

My Mpathy RM name would be a character from the Goonies called Sloth, a pro-biotic hero!

Sloth’s 12 Commandments


Hug immediately following friendly salutations standing up


French friendship kiss, side to side, x3


Pledge Allegiance to peace, love, and chicken grease standing up with hands in the Y position raised over head.


Help the less fortunate via teaching and money


Handle challenges at the lowest level


Punish in private; Praise in public


Practice out of comfort zone activities and brain exercises daily e.g. sudoku, speaking, crosswords, etc


Have walking meetings


Practice forced smiling for 30 seconds everyday


Forget and remember, happens again, trust loss


Love yourself 2nd after loving our neighbors

Sloth’s Theme Song is of course

"Cyndi Lauper - The Goonies 'R' Good Enough"

For more Gypsy enlightenment, see

“Gypsies’ Life Stylin part9: Our Neighbors' Education”


It’s going to take blood, sweat, and loads of money to overhaul our broken educational model. However, everyone is worth a 2nd look. 😍😍😍

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Big Tows322, PhD

Forever Curious, Gladiators in Boardshorts, United We Walk! 🏄