Movint Rao
5 min readApr 24, 2017


Many people discuss the exact moment they decided that they needed to lose weight. For some, it’s when they are sitting on the toilet reading some articles and for some is when you just watched the new video from Obese to Beast and gained some motivation. For me, I woke up one day being extremely sick, AGAIN! And went to the Doctor to get a check- up. I just felt like another day when all the doctor is going to just prescribe me some medicines and I will be good to go. How wrong was I. I told him that I was experiencing some difficulty in breathing and it was bothering me. After some checks, I still remember to this very day of the exact words that he said to me, “I think the reason you are having difficulties in your breathing is due to your high cholesterol levels.”

That hit me so hard, I am 15 years old and I am already on the verge of suffering from HEART ATTACK. Then it hit me, I knew I had to change or die young. I had to make a decision. MY LIFE OR PLEASURE. It took me a few weeks, in fact months, to start to lose weight. Just like you have expected, I’ve attempted weight loss multiple times before and failed miserably. In fact, I gained a few pounds in the next year as I was taking my national exams. Then came the beautiful day, it was after our last exam paper and I would be having my 6 months of holidays, Graduation Night was fast approaching and since I am lazy ass kid, I decided to join my friends in the gym rather than to work for someone but little did I know how IT WAS GOING TO CHANGE MY LIFE.


I started lifting weights with my friends but….

Lifting weights gave me a feeling that I never experienced in my life before. There was this magic that I felt and within the first few days when I started to lift. I loved the feeling of being tight but one thing was for sure is that I didn’t had any knowledge about the fitness industry. Basically, I was a fat kid who was just throwing weights around and chasing for that pump but I loved it! I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! It was as though I found my first love in my life.

I jumped right into many, many Diets and programs from Vegan Diet to No Carb Diet. I did P90X twice and saw great results. It literally came a time when I would jump into various diets EVERY WEEK! I know you’re thinking that I’m over-exaggerating but that’s what I did. How I wish I could turn back the clock to slap me in the face. Not Kidding, I WOULD!!

The Point I’m trying to make is that all of these diets and plans is that they had expiration dates. I was able to be very successful while I was on them (I lost 10 pounds doing P90x, and lost 15 pounds while going on no carb diet), but they were all extreme, and once I was done with them, I would immediately begin consuming all of the foods I had starved myself of during the time I was doing the program. You know what’s my first stop……. MACDONALD’S. I remember walking into the store and ordering TWO SETS of Big Mac and It was really good.

BUT my love for the weights didn’t stop me. I knew I had to do it my way and so I googled and researched more about how to do it right but the worst part is because I lost so much weight using the No-Carb Diet, I started viewing CARBS AS MY ENEMY. I was so afraid to even eat a piece of Banana or any fruits that my mom would buy. I was always eating the typical salad and chicken meal and although I lost a lot of weight, I wasn’t happy, I didn’t enjoy the process. I HATED MYSELF.


Difference After Weight Loss

Left:95kg Right: 58kg (current)

And I decided to change my game, I googled and watch some YouTube videos, slowly gaining some knowledge about Macros (Protein, Carbs, Fat). I started to experiment with it and I found the right mix for what works for me. I found that IIFYM was one of the things that made me sustain the cut. I was enjoying myself rather than hating myself, my confidence grew and so did my knowledge. Although I am not a fitness guru or whatever, I am pretty happy to say that I am satisfied of how far I have come on this journey but I want to continue to learn more. I started to change. My mindset was at its peak, my performance was improving and most importantly I started to love myself. I realized that this was meant for me. I found a new meaning to life.

If there is one takeaway that I hope you guys get from reading this blog is that weight loss is all about Patience, Discipline, and Hard-work. The GURUS out there will tell you it is easy but I can tell you that they are wrong. This will not only be hard, you will experience some moments where you will be down and out but remember if you fall just get back up. It’s easy to say but harder to act. Just start and learn as you go. It’s okay if you’re lost as long as you find your way back you would be good to go. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH is the key takeaway point that I hope you learned from this blog. With proper research, you can surely be the best version of yourself. Where to find this information? This is in fact the easy part JUST GOOGLE IT!! YOUTUBE WILL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND. Follow like-minded individuals and learn from them. They know it best as they have been through it. Don’t hesitate to lift some weights and if you are still unsure where to start, here’s 1 big tip for you:


and don’t forget to come back here and tell me about the before-and-after. I bet you’ll have something to say!


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Also check out this article on what are the benefits of Lean Body Mass and how you can calculate it.

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Movint Rao

I lost 90 pounds and gained a new outlook in life and I want to help as many people💪 Strong believer that fitness is a lifestyle.