The Trustworthy Coder’s Pledge

Bill Sourour
1 min readOct 9, 2017


I do hereby pledge to only produce trustworthy software that respects its users.

Such software will:

  • be transparent, honest, and accountable in all user communication;
  • function exactly as described;
  • seek explicit user consent prior to collecting any user information; including both user-provided information and information collected from a user’s device or through integration with other services;
  • seek explicit user consent prior to sharing any and all user information;
  • use clear and plain language when seeking user consent;
  • describe in clear and plain language what user information is collected and how;
  • describe in clear and plain language where, when, and how any user information will be used;
  • make it easy for users to withdraw consent at any time;
  • make any user-generated content available for download by the user who generated it, free of charge, any time, with no restrictions;
  • clearly identify any advertising or sponsored content;
  • provide a simple, easy-to-use, and easy-to-find mechanism for users to opt out of any advertising or marketing;
  • completely delete any and all user information upon request by the user; and,
  • clearly and explicitly disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest including both conflicts that may arise through commercial interests and conflicts that may arise through political affiliation.

