What is Value? How To Create $100 Million in Value? — Exponential Economy #17 (Video)

Rafael Badziag
4 min readMar 18, 2021


In this episode of the series Exponential Economy I explain what value is, how to compute it and how you can use it in your business to create a value of 100 million dollar and more.

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Video transcription:

Hi today and welcome to the next episode in the series “Exponential Economy”

Today I will be telling you about value — what is value

and I will give you the value formula that helped a friend of mine

to go from zero to $100,000,000

What it is and how it works, you will find out after the break. See you!

What is value? How do you define value and how to create a bug, huge value

and of course, make a lot of money

The value formula goes like this

Value is equal to utility times people divided by quantity

What does it mean?

Utility is the need for your product, for your service, the usefulness of your product, of your service

How useful it is? How needed it is? How strong people need your product, your service.

The second part is the people, meaning the more people need your product, your service

the more people you can reach with your product, with your service

the more value you create

and the third part of the value formula, which is the denominator, is the quantity of your product

meaning the more unique your product is, the more valuable it is

and of course, the more common it is, the more pieces, the more copies you can create

or you have created of your product

the less valuable each of these copies is

and this is just a corollary you would say of the supply and demand formula in the economy

because the price is the consequence of supply and demand

and the value is also a consequence of supply and demand on one hand

but also of the utility, of course, of your product

and this is also a corollary of the supply and demand relationship

the number of people who need your produt, your service, is the demand side

the more demand, the higher the value of your product

The number of copies, of units of your product, the quantity is the supply part

the more supply, the lower the value

and of course, the better, the higher utility, the higher the value

And how can you now use that formula, how did my friend use that formula

to create a huge value of over $100 milion?

You can see which part of that formula you can influence, what is the easiest to influence?

Can you for example multiply yhe utility of what you provide by 1000 times?

Is it possible? It is extremely difficult

WHat is much easier to influence is the number of people who you address, who you reach

And this is generally your range, your marketing that you can scale

Let’s say you start with offering that product to one person, you can scale your income or you can scale your revenue by 100 times

by offering that product to 100 people and you can further double your revenue by offering it to 200 people

or you can then do it one more time tenfold by offering to 2000 people, and so on, and so on

So, this is the part of the equation that you can influence the easiest, the other part would be maybe the quntity of course

if you do one masterpiece, it is extremely valuable but you need to credibly show to the customers that this is really that valuable

and that this is not copyable, so it is much more difficult of course to sell 1 piece of a masterpiece of something

than to sell something on mass, in great amount

So, this is generally a very simple concept, that had humongous consequences for the wealth of a friend of mine

who created over 100 milion dollar fortune out of nothing, just by consequently applying this formula

I invite you to comment this video below, how you can apply this formula in your business, maybe in your life?

And give me some examples from your life, maybe some ideas, how you can differently use that formula?

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Share this video with your loved ones, with your friends, one day they will thank you for that.

I talk here a lot about busienss, about doing great, impossible things in your life and busienss, how the best entrepreneurs in our world think and act

How the self-made billionaires of our world think and act, I talk here about economy, about money, about cryptocurrencies as well

So, if you liked this video, you will certainly like my other videos, I invite you to watch them, that’s it for today

I wish you a fantastic day, let’s do something extraordinary today

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Rafael Badziag

I am entrepreneur, speaker, writer and angel investor based in Germany. Some people call me the Napoleon Hill of 21st century, others — the Billionaire Magnet