Mass Messaging Tool for TEDx speakers

Bilyana Georgieva
5 min readDec 21, 2022


By Bilyana Georgieva, Public Speaking Coach, Multi-Award Winning Professional Speaker, Digital and Social Media Nerd, and founder of the ‘Red Dot Speaker Star’ coaching program, podcast and weekly newsletter.

This ‘Red Dot Speaker Star’ newsletter have been giving you weekly tips, tricks and hacks for your successful TEDx Journey in the past 13 months. As of January 2023 I will start publishing it monthly. Make sure you follow me on Medium and click the 🔔 button on my profile to be notified when I share them.

One of the best strategies to increases the views of your TEDx talks is to send the YouTube URL link of your TEDx video to all people from your contacts and email list.

These are the people who already know you, like you, love you and the chance of them clicking to watch your TEDx talk is HUGE. That’s exactly what YouTube is looking for — newly published videos that people watch till the end, like and comment.

You can’t wait for your TEDx video to magically go viral. You need to help it!

To make it success you need to look at your contacts on your phone and ask yourself where people engage with you most — SMS, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, etc., and which platform they mostly trust when it comes to open URL links you send them.

That’s how you know which app you will use to diffuse your TEDx talk.

The trick is to make people watch your TEDx talk in a very short period of time. Best would be in the first 24 hours after your TEDx talk is published. From my work with my mentees we noticed that the best time to send emails and messages is either 7 am — 8 am or lunch time 12:30 pm — 1 pm. Date doesn’t matter! We haven’t seen massive drop because it’s Monday or Friday or weekend.

Creating an email campaign is an easy task as every software which has CRM feature can do that. Some of them also offer an option to send messages via SMS and Facebook Messenger, but the pain comes when most of your contacts use WhatsApp as a trusted app to watch and share videos.

WhatsApp has a built in feature called ‘Broadcast Lists’ on top of your screen when you open the Chat tab

It’s a very basic feature where people receive individual messages, unlike groups, where people can see you’ve added them in a group and who else is there.


  • adding and deleting people to/from your broadcast list requires loads of scrolling or typing names
  • there is limit to use up to 256 contacts in each broadcast list
  • you can not use personalised variables, e.g. “Hi <First Name>”
  • you still need to scroll through your WhatsApp when people answer to know the open rate so you can decide what to do on the next day.

Remember, the first 24 hours after your TEDx talk is published are crucial! The more people watch your talk the quicker the YouTube AI will trigger the engine and show it to complete strangers to test that indeed your video is good and interesting.

Therefore, knowing how many people opened your message and who clicked on the link, i.e. watched your TEDx talk, is critical for you because you need to know who to send a second follow up message on the next day and ask them to support you.

We are all busy and we often flag a message we receive, leave it for later but that ‘later’ might be in few weeks.

So .. it has been bugging my digital brain what can I offer to my mentees that can give me a solution for all the downsides above and save me time?

Trust me! When you are having that pressure of the first 24 hours, time is an extreme key for success.

I found a platform which does exactly what I needed:

  • an easy to set up and manage Mass Messages and Bulk reply campaigns on Whatsapp
  • can synchronise it with all my contacts, upload with one click contacts who don’t have my WhatsApp number in their contact book,
  • I can easily select the people I want to include in my Mass Message including groups (!), not just individuals
  • I can bulk reply to more than 256 contacts
  • I can label them and save them as presets
  • it has customised variables, i.e. that “Hi <First Name>” that makes it personalised
  • I can see the stats (blue colour means the message was Read) or export in CSV and see all stats in Excel for every person I send a message to
  • can use Quick Reply templates

the list is going on..

The platform is called TimeLines AI

Check out their knowledge base for:


when my digital curiosity start digging in I realised I’ve got in my hands much bigger automation tool than just Mass Messaging for initial diffuse of TEDx talks !

I can integrate TImeLines AI with Hubspot, Calendly, Pipedrive, Slack (I love Slack!)

I’ll stop here 🙂

I’m not affiliate to them. I wish!

I’m sharing it here as I know it will save you loads of time and effort and that you will love it.

SHARE this article with everyone who will soon be on TEDx stage or is waiting for their talk to be published.

Thanks for reading this week’s ‘Red Dot Speaker Star’ newsletter. Make sure you follow me on Medium and click the 🔔 button on my profile so you will get notified when I publish my next article.

Note that from January 1st, 2023 I will start publishing this article once a month, instead of weekly. Keep an eye on the next one to learn why.

Sending you love and energy!



#TEDxtips #TEDxCoach #TEDxSpeakers



Bilyana Georgieva

Public Speaking Coach | Digital & Social Media Nerd | Powering Your TEDx Talk so It Can Become Popular on Social Media