Read This if You Always Wanted To Become A TEDx Speaker

Bilyana Georgieva
4 min readAug 7, 2023


By Bilyana Georgieva, Multi-Award Winning Professional Speaker, Digital and Social Media Nerd, and former Public Speaking Coach, founder of the ‘Red Dot Speaker Star’ coaching program, podcast and weekly newsletter.

Did you hear that?

Elaine Powell took over the ownership of the Monthly Top 10 World’s TEDx Chart for Most Watched TEDx Talks Released on YouTube. She just published the July’s TEDx Chart. Follow her HERE and subscribe to her newsletter HERE to get notifications if you want to keep up with the Monthly Top 10 TEDx Chart.

Now What ?

As I stopped the ‘Red Dot Speaker Star’ coaching program and the podcast end of last year many people asked me “What Are You Working on now?

I’ll answer that question in a minute 🙂

Let me tell you first that all my plans failed … I wanted to archive this newsletter so you all keep access to the tips, tricks and hacks I shared with you in the past. I still got loads of you sharing my newsletter and sending me ‘Thank You’ messages.

Big thanks back to Andrea Hrnčiariková for sharing two of my favourite articles few days ago

Sadly, I couldn’t archive my newsletter as I planned! LinkedIn gives me option to “Delete” only. Would be sad to bin all the articles that has loads of value for you. After short chat with the amazing LinkedIn support it is now clear I will have to wait for them to add an “Archive” feature in the future. If any of you know a workaround please let me know.

The other sad thing is that I’m only allowed to have one newsletter assigned to my profile and, honestly, I’m dying to start the new one and share all the brand-new knowledge, techniques and tools I’ve got for you.

OK. I’ll stop with my whinging and moaning 🙂

To serve you best I’ve created a list of the best articles for you

If You Always Wanted To Become A TEDx Speaker:

(Click on each title and it will open the article for you)

👉🏼 1. The 3 reasons to do a TEDx talk

👉🏼 2. Can TEDx Talk help your business?

👉🏼 3. The 17+ TED Formats You Should Know

👉🏼 4. Are TED and TEDx talk speakers paid?

👉🏼 5. What To Aim When You Do A TEDx Talk

👉🏼 6. The 20 Questions Everyone Asks About TEDx

👉🏼 7. How to get a YES when applying for TEDx

👉🏼 8. How to get a TEDx talk accepted

👉🏼 9. 11 Myths On TEDx Application Process (Part 1) and 11 Myths On TEDx Application Process (Part 2)

👉🏼 10. How To Give A TEDx Talk?

Save this article so you have all 10 links above anytime you need them.

Now .. let me answer the question everyone is so curious about🙂

What am I working on right now?

I’ve been speaking with loads of you, my connections on LinkedIn, in the past 7–8 months and one theme always echoed in my ears — THE CHAOS!

💥 The chaos in our thoughts &

💥 The chaos in our emotions

that both create

💥 chaos in our body and we often lose our sleep or feel fidgeting, anxious, worrying without being able to say exactly what worries us.

Back in February and March I created two meditation courses to pass on the knowledge I have on how to calm our mind, which calms our thoughts and emotions and from there we feel more in peace and joy.

Then I followed each of the 30 participants after we finished the courses. I knew we created new habits and it would be easy for everyone to keep doing the daily practise of calming the mind and body through meditations.

I was WRONG!

Only 10% of the participants kept doing the daily routine they learned.


Because there where going through

🔺 stress that is difficult to calm through a meditation

🔺 days when they were overworked and they just couldn’t find the strength to make time for themselves

🔺 stories they created in their heads that never happened but drained their energy and had them worrying

That put me back in 2014 when I was going through the same back-and-forward period between stress and calmness, learning various techniques and tools to be able to get myself out of emotions and situations I didn’t want anymore and stepping into those I consciously wanted.

Last month I ran a new course — Wise Up, that teaches all these techniques and tools. The outcome was mind blowing! Now it is not only one technique — meditation, but 11 more of them! Such methods that can help your mind to calm within few breaths.

On 9th August I’m running the Wise Up course again.

It is a 14-day course with one question and one quick and easy to do assignment a day.

👉🏼 HERE is my invitation for you 👈🏼

If you are experiencing all the stress, overwork, worries and you create stories in your head, that course will help you to Wise Up and get rid of them.

I’ll see you on 9th August!

Register HERE:


SHARE this article with everyone who wants to do a TEDx talk.

Make sure you follow me on Medium and click the 🔔 button on my profile so you will get notified when I publish my next article.

In the next article I will share a new list that will help you on your TEDx journey.

Sending you love and energy!





Bilyana Georgieva

Public Speaking Coach | Digital & Social Media Nerd | Powering Your TEDx Talk so It Can Become Popular on Social Media