The best way to share YouTube video on LinkedIn and increase your views

Bilyana Georgieva
5 min readMar 13, 2022


I know this newsletter is for giving you tips for a successful Red Carpet Journey but today I will extend it to all kind of YouTube videos.

If you are about to share your TEDx talk or any YouTube video on LinkedIn and all your social media channels know that there are 3 ways to share YouTube videos:

✅ the one that will help you leverage your video, diffuse it to loads of people and increase your views


❌ two ways that will give you less results

We all know that the main goal of every social media platform is to keep their audience on their own platform and engage them for as long as possible. Therefore any ‘click away’ from that platform is not welcomed.

In fact, posts that share links to external social media platforms are carefully pushed down so less people will see them.

Re-sharing posts from the same platform is encouraged, posting text, pictures and directly uploaded videos are welcomed but what if we want to share external links, like a YouTube video? Surely there must be a way to do it and still get good visibility for our posts, right?

Of course there is a way!

Let’s go through each option.

  1. Posting the URL link directly in the copy of your post.

This is the most common way of sharing an YouTube video that actually gives least results from the 3 options.

For example:

When you add text and URL Link directly in your post, LinkedIn will mask the link to look like coming from LinkedIn and will limit the distribution of your post to less people.

It’s a way to penalise you gently for taking people away from their platform. The rule is same for Facebook and Instagram when you use YouTube link in your BIO.

2. Posting the URL link in the comments of your post.

This is another option to share an YouTube video that will give you more visibility, compared to option 1 above, however it will still be shown to less people, comparing to option 3 below.

Have you created a habit of saying in your post ‘Find the link in the first comment’ and then comment on your own post with the URL link? If so know that there is a better way of sharing your YouTube video:

3. Sharing an YouTube video from YouTube, also known as ‘embedding YouTube video in a LinkedIn post’.

This is the least known way of sharing an YouTube video but it’s the one that will give you best results

Here is how to embed a YouTube video within your post:

Step 1: Open your video via YouTube

Step 2: Click on the Share button below the title

Step 3: Select the social media platform you want to share on. In our example thats LinkedIn

Step 4: Select ‘Share in a post’ if you want to post on your own Linked wall or ‘Send as private message’ if you want to share it with individuals. In our example use ‘Share in a post’

Step 5: Type the text for your post, tag people with the @ symbol, use the hashtags you want with # symbol. Once ready click on ‘Post’ button

All steps above are exactly same when you share your newly published TEDx talk.

These are also the same steps when you want to share your video on

✅ LinkedIn

✅ Facebook

✅ Twitter

✅ Whatsapp

✅ emails

✅ Kakao

✅ Reddit

✅ Pinterest

✅ Blogger

✅ Tumblr

✅ Skyrock

✅ Mix

✅ Goo

When using the 5 steps above your post will have more views, compared with the first 2 options, where you add the URL link directly in your post or in the first comment of your post.

Just remember this:

Do not share the URL link to the YouTube video in your post

Instead, embed the video within your post, directly from YouTube.

I encourage you to test what you’ve learned today. Post different text, same YouTube video and check the amount of views.

Thank you for reading this week’s newsletter. Please APPLAUD 👏 it and SHARE it with the people around you whose dream is to become a TEDx Speaker.

Join me this Friday for my LIVE Podcast on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook, to get more tips for your future TEDx talk.

If you’d like to be notified when the newest episode is available, FOLLOW ME on Medium and you’ll receive a notification.

Sending you love and energy!





Bilyana Georgieva

Public Speaking Coach | Digital & Social Media Nerd | Powering Your TEDx Talk so It Can Become Popular on Social Media