The Most Watched TEDx Talks in Mar 2023

Bilyana Georgieva
3 min readApr 1, 2023


Happy April Fool’s Day 2023 everyone!

No, this chart is not a prank or a joke but the monthly review of the worldwide TEDx YouTube channel, where we take all the stats from, and see which talks published in March were the most popular. That’s how we do

The Top 10 World’s TEDx Chart for Most Watched TEDx Talks Released on YouTube in March 2023

Only talks that have been published within the month and are most-popular on YouTube in that month go in this World’s TEDx Chart record.

Here we go..

Nr 1 — In first place for March 2023 is Shadé Zahrai and her talk 3 habits that kill your confidence | TEDxMonashUniversity

Nr 2 — In second place for March 2023 is Ranjani Raghavan with her talk I am what I do | TEDxRUASWomen

Nr 3 — Taking the third spot in March 2023 is Giuseppe Stigliano and his talk How to Become a Marketing Superhero | TEDxRoma

Nr 4 — In fourth place for March 2023 is Katie McCleary and her talk The benefits of writing by hand | TEDxEustis

Nr 5 — Taking fifth place in March 2023 is Dustin Gibson and his talk How looking up can change your life | TEDxNashville

Nr 6 — In sixth place for March 2023, the people put Adarsh Kumarappan and his talk Is AI a Savior or a Terminator? | TEDxYouth@SahaleeRoad

Nr 7 — In seventh place for March 2023 is Acharya Prashant and his talk Unlocking Your Internal Superhuman : Will to Power | TEDxAKGEC

Nr 8 — Taking eighth place for March 2023 is Nicholas Patterson and his talk The transformative power of music | TEDxEustis

Nr 9 — In ninth place for March 2023, the people put Ray Delahanty and his talk Living Car-Free in Vegas & Other Questionable Life Choices | TedxFremontEastDistrict

Nr 10 — Finally, in tenth place for March 2023 is Danielle Krysa and her talk How to cut creativity out of your life | TEDxNashville

Put in the comments below which talk you’ve watched in this past month? Who is your favourite TEDx speaker?

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IF You prefer to watch and listen rather than reading, go to my YouTube channel which is packed with tips for future TEDx speakers and those of you who already has been on stage and want to do more.

How this chart was made?

This chart is based on the amount of video views on the YouTube TEDx channel. To compile the stats three independent people went through all YouTube TEDx talks, uploaded between 1st and 31st March. On April, 1st 2023, I compared the data between the 3 researches and took screenshot of the top 10 most watched videos. In simple words this chart is a ‘snapshot’ of the video performance on April, 1st 2023.

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LIKE and SHARE this Top 10 World’s TEDx Chart with the people around you. Help the TEDx ideas and wisdom spread around the world

Sending you love and energy!



#personaldevelopment #thoughtleadership #purposedriven #empowerment #TEDxTop10Chart



Bilyana Georgieva

Public Speaking Coach | Digital & Social Media Nerd | Powering Your TEDx Talk so It Can Become Popular on Social Media