Find Your Best Mobile App Development Approach

Mobile App Development
3 min readJan 21, 2016


It is an era of technology, no matter what your business is, you must have an app to get and retain customers. Customized business app is a tool that enables entrepreneurs to give online information about the products to the customers. Any business can make a good impression on customers’ mind if it offers pleasant online user experience through a customized mobile app. In short, an app plays a vital role for the business, and that’s why app development is one of the latest trends in this era.

There are three app development methodologies: Native, web, and adopt a platform to build an app. Many factors should be kept in mind while choosing a particular app development methodology including planning for long-term maintenance, security and integration of business features.

For getting optimized performance along with high maintenance go for native

To build a native mobile app for a particular mobile operating system, developers have to use native languages such as Objective-C or Swift for iOS and Java for Android. So, the app is developed in a mature ecosystem and follows all the technical specifications and user experience guidelines of the particular OS. Users can get the fast, reliable, rich-in-features, and powerful app. In brief, a native app offers the best user experience, high security, and better functionality. But then, if developers choose native approach then they have to build an app only for any one OS instead of many. Also it takes lots of time to develop.

Go web: many channels, many drawbacks

Now many companies have started to build a web based apps because they can be deployed across multiple channels. As compared to native, web based apps support multiple platforms, saving time and money, and easy-to-maintain. But, on the opposite side, web based apps are slower, possess unimpressive UIs and are less stable. There may also be limitations to the app when a device is offline or Wi-Fi is not available.

Cross-platform — The latest trend for app development

Cross-platform mobile app development is the hottest trend in the market. As compared to the other ways, it helps developers to build an app for more than one platform. A few cross-platform tools such as PhoneGap, Configure.IT, AppMakr etc., are codeless platforms, and therefore, even non-technical staff can also get involved in app development process. Cross-platform frameworks help companies build complete native mobile apps for more than one OS. So, Users can save their crucial time and money, dramatically.

App development approach totally depends on end users, business models, constraints, and objectives. Now the time is ripe for developing an app that is not running only on tablets, mobiles and desktops, but it’s also essential that the developed app can run on wearables such as watches, glasses and other smart appliances. In brief, the most reliable solution is cross-platform app development as it gives flexibility, reliability, security and scalability.



Mobile App Development

Mobile #app development platform - Build mobile apps using developer #tools available for #iOS, #iPhone and others