Releasing Development Kit V1 Today

3 min readDec 31, 2016


We are excited to announce that our development kit v1 is finally ready for release, and our first kits ship out today. What an exciting way of ending the year 2016 for BinaryVR!

The first batch will be delivered to a small number of partners, and we will contact those who pre-ordered the kit one by one as more kits are available.

Since the pre-orders have been taken, we confirmed the need for facial tracking solutions from varying industries. We want to thank everyone who supported BinaryVR and pre-ordered the Dev Kit V1! Those of you who were curious about the current status of the pre-orders and the fields of which the orders have been taken from, we decided to partially share the information for everyone to have a glimpse of the social VR and the application of facial tracking in the future.

VR Headsets

VR Headset

54% of the BinaryVR Dev Kit 1 was pre-ordered in Vive HMD and Oculus Rift followed with 34%. As BinaryVR is increasing its hardware supports to other headsets, we are thrilled what kind of applications would come out with each HMD’s unique characteristics in the future and how the distribution of HMD would become.

Application Fields

Application Fields

Social/media will be the biggest application of BinaryVR’s facial tracking solutions with over 35% of the total pre-orders. As VR provides a sense of space, self-expression through an avatar is inevitable. Current social VR platforms in the market also position users with certain avatars. For effective communication, avatars and facial expressions seem to be a natural step for the future social VR.

Enterprises consider facial tracking technologies as effective communication solutions. With more than two people, VR space allows participants to concentrate naturally and to easily share varying forms of information such as 3D simulations in real-time. An effective communication in VR indicates significant enhancements in the collaboration process through time and quality. Here’s an additional link for you to understand the necessity of VR communication as a remarkable alternative of video conferencing.

The VR education will become interactive allowing active communication and BinaryVR’s facial tracking solutions allow people to truly communicate and learn in a superior way. The quality of training programs with 3D simulations or visualized objects can be enhanced significantly through the intuitive interaction within the VR. As the world has been powered by leading technologies, we are thrilled for the new way of learning that the future generation will experience through BinaryVR’s facial tracking in VR.

Additional creative applications will also come up and surprise us! We witnessed great potential from various categories that were previously unconsidered as applications of BinaryVR’s facial tracking solutions. The pre-orders demonstrated to us a glimpse of future VR contents, full of diversity, which can change how we experience — in every aspect of our lives. Thank you for all of your enthusiastic pre-orders again, and believing in BinaryVR’s solutions for developments.

Happy New Year!




Hyprsense develops real-time facial expression tracking technology to light up the creation of live animation.