2 min readOct 30, 2017

The Cause Marketing Disrupter

Giving is good. And now, it’s time to make it even better.

In 2017, corporate giving is more important than ever. The status quo and traditional giving models are not enough in our digitally connected world. It’s time to apply 21st century tools to solve 21st century problems.

The way we make it better is through technology — connecting brands’ cause marketing to their consumers’ digital activities.

BingeGiving is a brand new, disruptive cause marketing platform that enables brands to turn their consumers’ digital activities into branded donations for the causes they support. Our platform makes it simple and scalable for brands to do good and make an even greater impact on the causes they support.

BingeGiving was founded on the belief that there’s untapped value in people’s digital activities that can and should serve a greater good. You know how everyone is Bingeing on all their favorite stuff online? Well, what if we could take all of that Bingeing, and actually do some good?

That’s the big idea behind BingeGiving. Now, everyone can be philanthropic regardless of their monetary wealth and raise money for causes they care about simply by doing all the things they love to do online.

We passionately believe BingeGiving is a better way for brands to give. By making people’s digital actions the engine of brands’ giving, the impact of the giving is amplified, creating exponential engagement and awareness for the cause. With BingeGiving, everyone wins.

Our founding team is comprised of innovators and leaders in media, technology, advertising and entertainment who are committed to applying technology to drive social impact. We are dedicated to bringing the innovation of the tech world to solve the needs of brands’ cause marketing and corporate social responsibility.

Technology is the core of everything we do. Wherever the future goes, we will embrace it and drive the advancement of giving — to the benefit of the cause, the brand and the consumer.

If you’re a brand, platform or cause — we would love to help make your work even better.

Join us!


BingeGiving is a proprietary white label, Cause Marketing Platform that easily turns any digital action into a donation, funded by a brand.