Gratitude List

A Pagan Practice of Gratitude

Binky Ink Writing


Image generated in NightcaféStudio.

As a Canadian Pagan, I typically combine Thanksgiving and Halloween. I light a candle, remember those who have passed (friends and family alike), wishing any passing spirits safe journeys, and then I voice a few things I am grateful for that come to mind.

Mind you, practicing gratitude can be done any day, at any time, and I do voice things I’m grateful for regularly.

I haven’t exactly done this ritual this year, I was not in the capacity to on October 31st.

So here are many things I am grateful for today:

  • My healing body that gives me signals of what is too much to do.
  • My healing hand whose fingers can move. I thank my hands for all they do for me, help me accomplish, and help me create.
  • My creative energy and cascading inspiration.
  • My husband, who is a working husband, house husband, caretaker and so much more these days.
  • My step-children with whom I was able to form a close relationship, who show me their appreciation of me, and who remember the important things I’ve taught them.
  • My mom who helps me out and who did so much for me growing up.
  • My sister, who’s been calling me a lot lately and has been very…

