The Worst Typo Ever!!!

It’ll Make You Spit Your Drink!

Binky Ink Writing


Elissa Riley from Big Brother 15.

I don’t even know how I missed it!

I made THE worst typo EVER!

It was in the manuscript of the second instalment of my Stardust Destinies novel series. The one I’m currently Typesetting.

I proof-read the story multiple times. I had written it by hand and proof-read it before typing it. I self-edited it, grammar checked it, SPELL Checked it (using Word), I used GRAMMARLY for crying out loud! I LINE EDITED IT.

It was my editor who caught it.

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The Context:

Bahvley is a supporting-main character in the series. He is on a mission with several others who find an injured ally.

Bahvley instantly falls in love with her.

