Prerequisites for the Bioritmai project

3 min readJan 6, 2018


The studies carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), showed the data, which allow us to talk about the causes of pre-term death of the inhabitants of our planet. There are lots of them, but cardio-vascular diseases are the main and the most widespread cause of death today. About 17 million people die from heart disease annually, thus, 7.2 million people die from coronary heart disease (CHD), and 5.7 million die as a result of a stroke.

Data provided by the World Health

As you can see from the table, cardiovascular diseases “lead” with a wide margin. According to WHO, about 23.6 million people will be dying of cardiovascular diseases annually by 2030

The most terrible thing in diseases of the cardiovascular system is that in most cases they are unnoticed. The person does not feel that something is going to happen. The disease appears suddenly when everything seems to be good.

Most people don’t realize that the cost of drugs and the recovery of the body while treating serious illnesses is much higher than the means that could be spent on the prophylaxis and prevention of the disease. Not everyone understands that cardiovascular diseases often lead to irreversible violations (heart attack, stroke) and even death.

Throughout the world the main cause of death is the CSD, and in order to detect them on time we need monitoring and control methods of CVS.

There is a global shortage of doctors throughout the world. WHO estimates that the world lacks more than 4 million health care workers in various fields of medicine. Personalized medicine can help to solve this problem — artificial intelligence analyzes the status of the CVS, makes a prognosis, and the doctor can add some more diagnostics or make the final diagnosis.

Methods predominating at the present time are statistical. They can only ascertain the fact of violations, but can’t be a means of forecasting risks. It means that their use does not allow the implementation of technologies controlling CVS. It is equally important to introduce highly effective biomedical approaches.

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A modern system of biorhythm monitoring with the most sophisticated tools for analysis and real-time diagnostics #Bioritmai