Problems of Modernity

2 min readJan 3, 2018


The main priority is human life and health, therefore the goal of all persons concerned is the effective use of limited resources in order to meet the population’s requirements in supporting health.

As the average life expectancy of people has increased, the number of the elderly people is growing either, which, in turn, increases the demand for medical care.

Nowadays the world healthcare system can’t ignore any more all the innovative achievements in the spheres of IT, radio electronics, network and mobile technologies, which are developing in geometric progression.

A huge amount of expensive medical equipment, produced in the world, is intended to improve the quality and treatment of the patients. Nevertheless, sudden cardiac death (SCD) still continues to lead in statistics of mortality. Thus, in the USA, one of the most technologically developed countries in the sphere of health care, SCD is the №1 death reason in the structure of mortality.

The first place in the structure of the immediate causes of sudden death (SD) is occupied by heart rhythm disturbances — 88%.

It’s quite logical that CSD can’t develop without precursors, but exactly the identification of these precursors on time is a big problem in fact.

Routine diagnostic methods, including Holter ECG monitoring, 24-hour monitoring of blood pressure (BP) — don’t allow to identify the “predictors” of life-threatening heart rhgthm disturbances and other urgent conditions on time. Theg also don’t allow to analgze and determine how these violations will develop in the future due to the time frame and often to the “human factor”. Moreover, the necessitg of this examination is performed bg a doctor onlg on certain indication. In order to provide a personalized approach to the patient and assess the potential threat to his health and life on time, it is necessarg to create a sgstem, which:

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A modern system of biorhythm monitoring with the most sophisticated tools for analysis and real-time diagnostics #Bioritmai