Project of system Bioritmai

4 min readJan 13, 2018


Aim of the project:

Forecasting and detection of dangerous pathological disorders in real time (precursors of fatal arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, hypertensive crisis, shock, acute respiratory failure, etc.).

Mission of the project:

Making personalized medicine more available and giving each person the opportunity to monitor the state of their cardiovascular system uninterruptedly. It will help to prolong life and improve its quality.

Let’s imagine a perfect mechanism, which works flawlessly and without failing. You are sure of it and trust it completely, but one day it can crash. Your heart is a perfect mechanism, it is important to take care of it and not miss its whisper for help.

Bioritmai is a publicly available system for monitoring the state of the body and early detecting of CSD. It belongs to the sphere of personalized medicine and is developed with the use of blockchain technology.

Biorhythm-bracelet is a device of a new generation, which uses modern high-accuracy sensors that can read the indications of all the main biomarkers of the human body.

In addition, it is an effective tool for monitoring patients with chronic diseases. Changing of biomarker readings can give a signal to artificial intelligence (Al) to make a certain decision, as well as send urgent information to the treating doctor in order to provide a patient with the necessary preventive medical care, which can help to avoid attacks or exacerbation of the disease, and perhaps to save life.

New technologies allow to monitor your health more thoroughly and with high quality. Besides there is no need to go to a health care facility to get a doctor’s consultation, as you can get it by connecting with a doctor from any place in the world.

Medicine of future is, first of all, online health monitoring and ability to transfer its medical indications to Al in real time. Al in its turn will automatically analyze the received data, identify violations and the need for measures to correct them.

Gadgets in close connection with Al, which will be able to monitor the state of health without any breaks and make a diagnosis — this is howthe real revolution in medicine will look like.

How does it work?

The data are sent to the online system of Bioritmai, and then the deep neural network analyzes them, detects violations and on the basis of diagnosis, which was previously made by the artificial intelligence, decides on further tactics of behavior (storage, ignoring, transferring information to the doctor, transferring information to emergency health care service, patient’s warning, etc.).

Besides, a patient who has already collected biorhythmic data can contact his doctor if there is such need, in order to clarify his diagnosis, or, if the situation requires, to carry out clinical diagnostics.

All the data, read by the bracelet, can be tracked independently: on the display of the biorhythm bracelet and in the Bioritmai application. Full access to the system is provided after the purchase of the license. The license is purchased only for internal system BRM tokens.

The data of your biomarkers are kept strictly confidential.

You can ask, what for do I need it? We state with confidence that there is nothing more important than human health and life. If your health and the health of your close people are important for you, you need a system for predicting and analyzing CVS diseases.

You should understand that a biorhythm bracelet can generate alert messages, reactto taking certain medicines, smoking, alcohol abuse, physical activity, stress. With the help of sensors, the bracelet can read biomarker indicators in dynamics and monitorthem, as well as inform the owner of the bracelet, Al and his doctor about the dangerous pathological condition in the body. But in order to get a full additional clinical examination, if it is necessary, the patient should consult a doctor. It means that if any problem occurs, there is no need to wait until the next day or until the indications improve; a person should immediately consult the doctor and carry out a full in-patient examination.

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A modern system of biorhythm monitoring with the most sophisticated tools for analysis and real-time diagnostics #Bioritmai