World Day Against Child Labour: Theme, significance and all you need to know

2 min readJun 12, 2021


Every year June 12 is observed as World Day Against Child Labour around the world. The day is marked to spread awareness about Child Labour and it is observed in almost 100 countries around the world. Many campaigns are held to educate public about the same and to let them know Government’s guidelines against Child Labour.

What is Child Labour?

The term “Child Labour" is often used to describe the condition where a child is forced to work in hazardous conditions in order to help their parents. This work deprives children of their childhood and also affects their physical as well as mental health. It hinders their development which can lead to many problems. Children who are forced into child labour are often deprived of education. They don’t get an opportunity to attend school and so this factor also leads to poverty.

History of Child Labour:

In the year 2002, the International Labour Organization (ILO) introduced World Day Against Child Labour to eradicate the same. It aims to spread awareness about Child Labour and takes measures to eliminate it. This day brings together governments, local authorities, civil society and international, workers and employers organizations to point out the child labour problem and define the guidelines to help child labourers.

Theme for Child Labour Day 2021:

The theme for World Day Against Child Labour 2021 is “Act Now: End Child Labour”. For the first time in two decades the world has seen a raise in Child Labour due to ongoing pandemic. This pandemic has affected people in worst ways possible and lockdowns were imposed to prevent the spread of the deadly virus which has also caused an increase in poverty as many small businesses has collapsed. So in order to earn money, many children are forced into Child Labour.

Each year a theme is selected for the day and these organizations aim to work for the theme and implement various strategies to eradicate Child Labour.

Significance of World Day Against Child Labour 2021:

Child Labour is a cause of various social , economical factors such as poverty, social norms, lack of decent work opportunities, etc. The International Labour Organization also aims to focus on the right to education for every child around the world regardless of their economic situation, race, or caste by 2030.

In the least developed countries, slightly more than one in four children (ages 5 to 17) are engaged in labour that is considered detrimental to their health and development. This year, the World Day Against Child Labour will be marked by a high-level virtual side event, organized by ILO and UNICEF, during the International Child Labour Conference.

By Rutuja Joshi

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