The birth of an organisation.

Birth for Humankind
4 min readMar 19, 2017


In late 2012, I met Amanda Styles, the young women’s social worker at the Royal Women’s Hospital, at a prenatal yoga teacher training whilst I was completing my doula training. I suggested that if she had any young women who could use some additional support, I would be happy to volunteer as a doula. Immediately Amanda had a young woman come to mind and she referred Carly to me.

When I first met Carly she struck me as a strong, intelligent and brave young woman. Wise beyond her 19 years. Through her early pregnancy, she had already turned her life around in so many ways and when we met she was ready to embrace everything that would help her be the best mother she could be. She was inspiring from the get-go!

Carly & I in late 2016.

We developed a great relationship working together and it was such a wonderful experience for both of us, that it naturally led to the thought ‘I’m sure there would be plenty of doulas out there who would love to volunteer in this way and I’m sure there are plenty of women out there who would benefit from a service like this.’

Following a buzzing ‘expression of interest’ meeting at the The Royal Women’s Hospital, Birth for HumanKIND started in earnest in my lounge room! In just a couple of years, we have become a fully-fledged charity with a dedicated core team, 30 volunteer doulas, a committed and ‘hands-on’ board, as well as a growing community of people who are as passionate as we are about promoting better birth outcomes and supporting women in need.

It’s been an adventurous and deeply satisfying journey of growth, inspiration, commitment and celebration. I feel very lucky and grateful to have done this work for the last few years, and to see women, babies and families supported through the crucial and precious time of pregnancy and birth, so that our children and our communities can grow strong and thrive.

Me (Mei Lai) with two of our volunteer doulas: Claire & Dionne

I really do think of Carly as the inspiration behind Birth for HumanKIND. And to see where she is now is amazing.

Inviting her to step into the fold as a board director, to make sure that the women we are supporting are represented in the governance of our organisation, was one of the most heartwarming, stand-out moments from the journey so far for me.

Now, not only is she a passionate board member (and our youngest!), she has also been instrumental in setting up and co-facilitating our young mums education program: Mothering 101. I knew she’d be brilliant and make a fantastic contribution but it’s turned out to be even more wonderful than I ever imagined.

Carly (left) and I with Birth for HumanKIND Co-Founder and Chair Kirstan Flannery (centre)

I would love for every young woman to know that unconditional support and guidance is available for the incredible and life-changing event of having a baby. We hear time and time again how having a doula helps young women (and, really, every woman) feel more confident, more informed and empowered during pregnancy, birth and the early days and weeks of being a new mum. You don’t have to do it alone.

On behalf of the team at Birth for HumanKIND, I hope you will be inspired, informed, and impassioned to support us, in whatever way you can, to make our vision possible. Your support really does make the world of difference to us and the women we work with.

This is the first in a 12-part series to celebrate World Doula Week. Donate here to Birth for HumanKIND’s fundraising campaign (March 20–31, 2017) and put the kindness back into birth culture. For more information on the services we provide and who we support, visit:



Birth for Humankind

We are a non-profit providing free pregnancy and birth support & education to women experiencing socio-economic disadvantage.