LLM Concepts — My Thoughts

Biswajit Rajguru Mohapatra
7 min readJun 19, 2024


With the growing popularity of Large Language Models (LLMs), many companies are eager to adopt this technology to enhance business operations, implement automation, and make intelligent decisions in daily tasks. However, people often overlook the complexities involved. While LLMs are indeed powerful tools that can automate many processes, it is crucial to understand the proper techniques and concepts to utilize these tools effectively, making daily tasks more manageable. To begin, let’s delve into what exactly a large language model is.

LLMs (Large Language Models):

Large Language Models are advanced versions of traditional language models, equipped with more complex processing layers to understand, process, and analyze text. They are trained on vast amounts of data over extended periods, learning language patterns that enable them to generate human-like responses to various queries. Unlike simple models, LLMs can handle a wide range of tasks, from answering questions to generating creative content.

What sets LLMs apart is their ability to understand context and generate coherent, contextually appropriate responses. They achieve this through deep learning techniques that involve training on diverse and extensive datasets. This training enables them to recognize nuances in language, such as idioms, sarcasm, and contextual cues that simpler models might miss. Consequently, LLMs can perform tasks such as text summarization, translation, and even content creation with a high degree of accuracy and fluidity.

LLM and The Human Brain:

Both Large Language Models (LLMs) and the human brain learn from experiences and adapt their responses accordingly. LLMs are AI models trained on vast amounts of text data, whereas the human brain is a biological organ that learns from sensory experiences and memories. Both can process information and generate responses: the brain uses neurological processes, while LLMs use algorithms.

However, the human brain is far more complex and capable than LLMs. The human brain encompasses consciousness, emotions, a broad range of cognitive functions, creativity, intuition, and the ability to make complex decisions — capabilities that are unmatched by any AI model. While LLMs can mimic human responses and understand language patterns, they lack true understanding, emotional depth, and the ability to perform abstract reasoning. This distinction is crucial when considering the application and limitations of LLMs in real-world scenarios.

Now that the relation between human brain and LLM is very much understood, let us try to understand the GPT model, which is the foundation model of what we know as ChatGPT today.

GPT: Generative Pretrained Transformer

GPT is an LLM designed to generate text by predicting what comes next in a sequence of words. This prediction allows GPT to create human-like text, though it does not understand the content in the same way humans do. The magic lies in its ability to mimic the flow and style of human language, making interactions feel natural and intuitive.

GPT models utilize a transformer architecture, which relies on a mechanism called self-attention to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence. This allows GPT to maintain context over long passages of text, producing coherent and contextually appropriate responses. The self-attention mechanism is a key innovation that enables GPT to handle complex language tasks, such as summarizing articles, generating creative writing, and even coding.

Evolution of GPT Models:

GPT-1 (2018): OpenAI released GPT-1 with 117 million parameters, trained on the BookCorpus dataset. This initial model demonstrated the potential of transformers for generating coherent text but was limited in its capabilities due to its relatively small size.

GPT-2 (2019): A more powerful version, GPT-2, with 1.5 billion parameters, was trained on diverse internet datasets. GPT-2 significantly improved language generation capabilities, showcasing the ability to generate more coherent and contextually relevant text.

GPT-3 (2020): GPT-3 was significantly larger, with 175 billion parameters and trained on 570GB of text. It pushed the boundaries of what language models could achieve, performing a wide range of tasks with minimal fine-tuning.

GPT-3.5 (2022): OpenAI released ChatGPT, powered by an upgraded GPT-3.5 model. This version focused on improving conversational abilities and interaction quality.

GPT-3.5-Turbo (2023): This model offers cost-effective GPT-3 capabilities and uses reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) for improved accuracy. It provides a balance between performance and cost, making it accessible for various applications.

GPT-4 (2023): OpenAI’s GPT-4 is more accurate and can handle longer contexts, with up to 25,000 words, and can generate complex code and perform more advanced tasks. It represents a significant leap in terms of understanding and generating sophisticated text, enabling more complex and nuanced applications.

Understanding Parameters in Machine Learning:

In machine learning, “parameters” refer to the internal variables the model learns during training, which help it make predictions or decisions based on the given data. The more parameters a model has, the more nuanced and sophisticated its understanding and generation of text can be. Parameters are akin to the neurons in the human brain that process information.

These parameters are adjusted during the training process to minimize the difference between the model’s predictions and the actual outcomes. This process, known as optimization, involves algorithms like gradient descent to fine-tune the model’s parameters. The sheer number of parameters in models like GPT-3 and GPT-4 enables them to capture complex patterns in data, allowing for more accurate and contextually appropriate responses.

Differences Between GPT-3 and GPT-4:

Parameters: GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters, while GPT-4 has nearly a trillion, enabling more accurate results. The increase in parameters allows GPT-4 to capture more subtle nuances in language and improve its overall performance.

Dataset Size: GPT-3 was trained on 15 GB of data, whereas GPT-4 was trained on 45 GB. The larger dataset for GPT-4 provides a broader and more diverse knowledge base, enhancing its ability to understand and generate text across various domains.

Features: GPT-3 handles tasks like NLP, code generation, and text creation. GPT-4 can perform more complex tasks such as writing essays and generating art with better performance. GPT-4’s enhanced capabilities make it suitable for more sophisticated applications, including advanced research, creative writing, and complex problem-solving.

ChatGPT: Conversational AI Application

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a conversational AI app that generates responses in a chat-based interface, using the GPT model. It is designed to simulate human-like conversations, making it useful for customer service, virtual assistants, and more. Its ability to understand context and provide relevant answers makes it a valuable tool for businesses and individuals alike.

ChatGPT leverages the underlying power of GPT models to deliver engaging and informative conversations. By fine-tuning the model on conversational data, OpenAI has optimized ChatGPT for interactive and dynamic exchanges. This makes it an effective tool for applications requiring natural language understanding and generation, such as virtual assistants, customer support, and educational platforms.

LLM Architecture Concepts

Word and Sentence Embeddings: These are ways to associate words and sentences with numbers using a neural network, allowing computers to process language. Embeddings capture the meanings and relationships between words, enabling the model to understand and generate coherent text. They transform textual data into a numerical form that can be processed by machine learning algorithms, preserving semantic relationships.

Transformer Models: Transformers enable the processing and generation of human-like text by using self-attention and feed-forward neural networks, maintaining context to generate coherent text. They revolutionized NLP by allowing models to handle long-range dependencies and context more effectively. The transformer architecture’s ability to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence makes it particularly powerful for tasks requiring a deep understanding of language structure and meaning.

Semantic Search

Keyword Search: Finds documents containing specific keywords. It’s straightforward but often misses the context. Keyword search is limited by its reliance on exact matches, which can lead to irrelevant results if the search terms do not perfectly align with the content.

Lexical Search: Considers the context and synonyms of keywords to find related documents. This approach improves relevance but can still fall short. Lexical search broadens the scope by including related terms, but it may not fully capture the user’s intent.

Semantic Search: Understands the meaning and intent behind a search query and retrieves contextually relevant documents. It’s the most advanced form of search, providing more accurate and useful results. Semantic search leverages machine learning and NLP techniques to interpret the user’s query, delivering results that align more closely with the intended meaning.

How LLMs Enhance Semantic Search

Using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), LLMs combine retrieval-based and generation-based approaches. The RAG model retrieves relevant documents and uses an LLM to generate detailed responses based on the retrieved content, combining accuracy with the language understanding capabilities of LLMs. This enhances the efficiency and relevance of search results, making it easier to find exactly what you need.

RAG models utilize the strengths of both retrieval-based systems, which excel at finding relevant documents, and generation-based systems, which excel at creating coherent text. By integrating these approaches, RAG models deliver more precise and contextually appropriate search results. This combination improves the overall search experience, providing users with accurate and comprehensive information tailored to their queries.


Large Language Models are transforming the way we interact with technology, making tasks easier and more efficient. From understanding complex queries to generating human-like text, LLMs like GPT have opened new possibilities for automation and intelligent decision-making. However, it is essential to grasp the underlying concepts and limitations to use these models effectively. By appreciating both the capabilities and boundaries of LLMs, we can harness their power to improve our daily lives and business operations, paving the way for a future where AI and humans collaborate seamlessly. Understanding the nuances of LLMs allows us to leverage their strengths while being mindful of their limitations, ensuring a balanced and productive integration into our technological landscape.

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Biswajit Rajguru Mohapatra

A passonate data scientist marking my journey towards building and AI product.