BitCanna Monthly Update: July 2023

4 min readJul 26, 2023


Dear BitCanna community,

The end of July is already drawing close. Time is really passing by fast and we make progress on a lot of fields. Development, preparation for our big project and on the legal side (more on that coming in August). Time to share the progress we’ve made since our last Dev update.


Let’s start with the downside of the news. Last week we were notified of issues with purchasing and withdrawing BCNA when using Coinmerce. They have disabled direct withdrawals from their platform (which was applicable for BCNA), but as a result purchases of BCNA are impossible. We have had contact with Coinmerce, but did not receive feedback yet regarding a date when it should be fixed. We will not be delisted, but a fix is needed to get it working again. We will continue to follow up and work towards a solution.

Chain upgrade

On 29–06–2023 at block 9209420 our blockchain upgraded to v2.0.2. A full list of the content of this upgrade can be found on our Github page, but the main headliner was the upgrade to a newer version of the Cosmos SDK. The v0.46.13 version of the Cosmos SDK provides us with a solid basis for future development of our apps and tools besides the necessary security upgrades which are “standard” in such big upgrades. Together with our validators the upgrade took slightly more than 3 minutes, which is very fast for a big upgrade like this. An amazing feat for our validator set to do it this fast!

For the ones interested, we’re currently working on the next version of BCNAD (v3.x) based on Cosmos-SDK v0.47 and CometBFT v0.37.

Webwallet update

Coming along with the upgrade of the chain was an update to our webwallet. Some of the blockchain features we used were too different for our the “old” version of our webwallet, which caused it to be outdated. As communicated before we have redone our code for the webwallet. Initially it was based on the Lunie wallet, but now we have recreated the complete webwallet with our own code. This means that we have more control over the wallet itself and it is easier to do future developments. The design is also comparable with the design of the mobile app making it a coherent set of tools.

Mobile app

The basics for the mobile app are secured. We have created a complete overview for the steps you will be able to do in the mobile app, which is the basis for the flow of the mobile app. We have designed it to work like banking apps people know and offer the same experience to make it as easy to use as possible.

The design for the mobile app is also finished, in the same line as you can find on our webwallet. Expect more news and insights on the mobile app when we progress in the development.

Yieldmos call

On 19–07–2023 we had an AMA with the Yieldmos community. During this call we talked about a variety of subjects, among which cannabis legislation, whether integrating a stablecoin would benefit Cosmos Pay and targeting web2 / web3 people and how our tools will support us in that. The call can be found here.

Osmoscon Paris 2023

Our French developer Atmon3r visited Osmocon in Paris on July 21st! He was able to connect with several like-minded individuals on the event and mentioned that it was a pleasant experience to see so many Osmosis enthusiasts and Cosmos ecosystem participants getting together!

Secret project

And lastly the subject we have been discussing in the past few developer updates. In the beginning of July we had a call with our most close partners and received very positive feedback. This strengthened us in the conviction that we have chosen the right path which will bring a lot of new possibilities for BitCanna. In the coming period we will continue creating the required documents, starting the required development and selecting a tech partner to help us in the development of the project. We expect to finish that in the coming week meaning that we can start the actual building soon.

As a spoiler; we aim to create a platform to appeal to web2 people while highlighting the advantages web3 & BitCanna can bring and how this will improve the cannabis industry.

Holiday period

Looking ahead, we are running into the holiday period. We assume a lot of you also will have some hard-earned days off the coming few months and the same applies to the BitCanna team. We will make sure we have back-ups in place to monitoring all servers and services we have running and to have a first line of support available as well.

For now, have very nice holidays (for the ones who have something planned) and until the next update!




BitCanna is shaping the future of cannabis culture through innovative web3 technology. Join us: