Crowdfunding Frequently Asked Questions: Answered

4 min readSep 20, 2017


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We recently made the decision to change the structure of our full sale. We’ve been receiving a very high volume of questions around this, so we wanted to make sure to provide answers for our community. Here are the most common questions along with answers from the team.

1. When will the pre-sale end?
The pre-sale has officially ended; all of the tokens allocated for the pre-sale have been sold at this time.

2. What was the cap of this presale?
This second round of pre-sale was specifically for large-scale investors. These users approached us and expressed interest in being able to contribute, so we organized a small allocation for these parties. Given the nature of these contributions, we didn’t disclose the cap as some of the contributions are still in progress.

3. How much money has BitClave raised so far?
When the crowdfunding event goes live in October, we will display the total amount of contributions up until that point. Our current projection of funds and allocations based on whitelist registration is approximately $50 million. But we cannot predict actual purchases made by those whitelisted.

4. How many tokens have been sold till now?
This number will also be made publicly available when our crowdfunding goes live, as we are still in the process of finalizing contributions from some interested parties.

5. What type of partnership are you doing with Qtum and Bancor? Why was it necessary to enter into a partnership if you are just using their technology?
Our partnerships with Qtum and Bancor are those of mutual technology sharing as well as promoting our projects to their audience and vice versa. As businesses and developers build custom pages and applications with the BitClave Active Search Ecosystem, they will be able to utilize Bancor and Qtum technology to do so. We are very impressed with their platforms and hold their teams in high regard, so we were pleased to be able to collaborate at any level and believe this will ultimately benefit everyone who uses the BitClave Active Search Ecosystem — both users and businesses.

6. What is the Queue number and how does it function?
The Queue number is the number many users will see in their dashboard. It is a reference for you to know your guaranteed allocation. Everyone who is white listed has a number, and this will help us allow more participants to register.

7. What role did Vitalik play in the decision to postpone the full sale?
The picture of Alex with Vitalik was taken at a recent conference. Vitalik is an inspiration to our team as well as many others in the blockchain community, and Alex was very excited to have the opportunity to meet him. He’s not an adviser, as he specifically doesn’t advise companies during crowdfunding or ICOs anymore, and we’re not claiming he is part of our project or team.

8. BitClave has stated the decision to change the date of the full-sale was because of: partnerships with Qtum/Bancor, ICO regulation changes, and wanting to be technically prepared. Why did the full sale date change?
The technical reality is that we did not postpone our crowdfunding, we combined our phase one and phase two crowdfunding into one event, to be held in October. We are a fully legal and compliant company, so the changing regulations around Initial Coin Offerings, though important to observe and be aware of, did not affect our decision to alter our crowdfunding timeline. We combined phases one and two in order to provide the opportunity to all users who wished to participate and so that we would have the time to finalize and announce the partnerships we are entering to help inspire confidence and enthusiasm for our project.

9. Some users have been experiencing discrepancies between the amount of CAT displaying on the dashboard compared to what is being sent in transaction logs- what’s happening here?
Some of our users purchased tokens in amounts less than the minimum amount required to qualify for the discount. In this situation, a few users were confused, and after reviewing the support requests around this issue, our team decided to apply the discounts for these users. This led to some discrepancies between the amount of tokens and the number in the transactions.

We hope that this answers any questions you might have about our recent change to our crowdfunding timeline. If you have any additional questions, our support team is standing by to speak with you through the live chat on our website. Stay tuned for more updates!




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