How Much Google Makes on Each Search Request

2 min readJun 26, 2017


Since it began in 1998, Google has had a vast and loyal following that has only grown over the years. Every day millions of people worldwide take out their smartphones, or sit down with their PCs and use Google. Turns out each time you use Google, you’re generating a lot of money for them!

Each time you key in a query, Google is collecting data on you. With every click, Google is learning more and more about who you are and what you like. Google’s algorithms pick up all this information as they scour the web to find what you want. But Google doesn’t just give you search results for free. No, Google makes a trade-off; we won’t charge you for looking up whatever you want, but we will charge companies for getting to know what you want.

That’s right! Each time a person types in a search query, Google collects that data. It stores information on who you are, where you are and what you searched for. It also records how often people look for certain websites and how long they stay on them. Google then bundles up all this data and sells it to companies.

Companies want to know how popular their products are with their consumers. With the information gathered from third party systems like Google, they can. Google statistics show businesses whether or not their advertising is effective and if consumers like what they see in websites.

There are about 7 billion people in the world. According to a report provided by “We Are Social” and “Hootsuite”, almost half of that number are Internet users. Google commands an approximate 70% of all internet searches around the world. That means that assuming each person only does one search per day, Google gathers data from 2.5 billion searches daily. Per year, companies pay Google an average of $6.30 per person (according to “Asymco”). If each search represents one person, then Google makes an approximate $16 billion annually by simply giving people search results.

As a much better, effective and more customer- and business-friendly alternative, BitClave is introducing new revolutionary technology. It will connect businesses directly to their consumers without the middlemen. Every time a customer visits a company’s website, the company will be able to know about it without paying Google. Thus, the money that is currently going to Google will be used to improve the products, reduce the price, and even reward the customer. In this way, businesses will get the data they need affordably, customers will be getting relevant promotions and rewards, and the overall cost of products we use will be reduced dramatically. Get in touch with BitClave to learn more!




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