Bitcoin Rhodium’s Vision for the World of Digital Freedom

xRhodium [XRC]
4 min readJul 17, 2019


Bitcoin Rhodium is about big ideas. More importantly, it is about making big ideas happen. This article provides our Vision for the World of Digital Freedom and describes the role Bitcoin Rhodium wants to play to make this vision reality.

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Humankind is better off than it has been ever before. People live longer, happier and wealthier lives than they ever have. Life expectancy is the highest it has ever been and is still increasing. Global GDP has never reached its present heights. The number of humans in poverty has never been lower. Wars between nations have become less frequent, and wars in general are getting less deadly.

However, the world we live in is not all roses. Not only winners but also losers have emerged from the process of globalisation. The global economy and the financial system have become more systematically fragile than ever before. Decision makers and regulators worldwide cannot keep up with the pace of the ongoing digital revolution and are impeding the societal progress enabled by the technological advancements achieved.

The World of Digital Freedom

In this environment, different digital tools and platforms have emerged to circumvent the systemic barriers put in place. Bitcoin Rhodium has always considered itself part of the solution. From the start, the XRC developers have strived to create not only a long-term profitable investment opportunity, but also a viable ecosystem of interlinked solutions that will facilitate free exchange between people. That will make them less dependent on institutions. That will allow them to fulfil their potential and prosper irrespective of the country or socio-economic stratum they were born into. Simply, to create a World of Digital Freedom. The following ideas illustrate how Bitcoin Rhodium can contribute to this vision.

XRC developers have strived to create not only a long-term profitable investment opportunity, but also a viable ecosystem of interlinked solutions that will facilitate free exchange between people.- Tweet this

Crypto Trinity

We strongly believe in the potential of Crypto Trinity — the triad of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin Rhodium, Bitcoin and Litecoin), which can satisfy the complete spectrum of users with their diverse preferences. We are well aware of the strengths of XRC. On the other hand, we understand XRC does not fit the needs of all people.

Therefore, Bitcoin Rhodium was created to complement Bitcoin and Litecoin to complement their investment/transactional properties and use cases to form a functional ecosystem of three cryptocurrencies that will satisfy the widest variety of users possible.

This approach further supports our effort to introduce as many people as possible to the world of crypto to explore and to find their own place in this space.

Bitcoin Rhodium was created to complement Bitcoin and Litecoin to complement their investment/transactional properties and use cases to form a functional ecosystem of three cryptocurrencies that will satisfy the widest variety of users possible.- Tweet this

The growing user base of XRC, combined with its increasing value, open the window of opportunity to realise yet another piece of the Bitcoin Rhodium ecosystem — the This XRC-driven platform, once complete, will bridge the gap between crypto and traditional markets. On this platform, the aim is to contribute to the goals proposed above by creating a marketplace built on the over-the-counter (OTC) person-to-person (P2P) principles of exchange.

The original aim was to facilitate exchange between XRC, BTC, LTC and precious metal investors through decentralized and efficient matching of supply and demand with no intermediaries. However, we want to dream bigger in order to make a real difference on the way to making the World of Digital Freedom reality. Therefore, we envision a marketplace that will resist unwanted surveillance and provide efficient matchmaking solutions.

To make this happen, we want to work in close co-operation with Bisq. Bisq is a decentralised P2P Bitcoin marketplace focused on privacy, security, and censorship-resistance. And the first platform to list Bitcoin Rhodium back in the day. As we identify with most of the key principles of Bisq’s operation (anonymity, decentralisation, absence of hierarchy etc.), we want to learn and apply the best practices on the platform. — marketplace built on the over-the-counter (OTC) person-to-person (P2P) principles of exchange that will resist unwanted surveillance and provide efficient matchmaking solutions.- Tweet this


Day to day, the Bitcoin Rhodium development team is working tirelessly to make XRC more secure, more private, more recognized and in the end, more valuable. But we don’t want to lose sight of the big goals XRC was created to achieve in the first place. That is why we formulated this Vision for the World of Digital Freedom to reinforce our strategic direction and to remind us and our users that we are not afraid to dream big and that we are ready to contribute to the World of Digital Freedom.

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xRhodium [XRC]

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