PXT will be listed on LATOKEN on 12th September

Populous World
Populous World
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2018

London, 11th September 2018

Populous World are pleased to announce that deposits are now open on LATOKEN and trading will be live from the 12th September 2018

LATOKEN, a rapidly growing crypto exchange focusing on liquidity for new tokens, is a block chain protocol and platform for creating and trading asset tokens. It allows cryptoholders to diversify their portfolio by getting access to tokens linked to the price of real assets. LATOKEN enables asset owners to unlock the value of assets by creating and selling their asset tokens. Besides crypto trading, LATOKEN users can participate in selected tokens sales at pre-sale and crowd sale stages, with current statistics presenting the following:

· $30m+ daily turnover

· More than 80,000 registered traders

· 180+ crypto pairs available for trading

Business Intelligence

Since the rapid growth in the technology sector over the last decade, it comes at no surprise that the technology-based method of data extraction would catch up to provide us with a better and efficient way of analysing data. What we are expecting in the near future of Business Intelligence (BI), are self-servicing business intelligence tools that are no longer dependant on the IT or tech person to operate.
This form of user-independence immediately increases the efficiency making it much faster and accessible. These advancements will allow much more organisations’ personnel to access the tools, through selected permission, allowing them to monitor and respond to the situation more precisely.

In the future of business intelligence there are even talks of getting augmented and automated analysis through technology to provide actionable answers by the year 2020, never before in business intelligence was this considered as it was only considered as a tool to get data to make the decisions. However, now we are looking at the possibility of getting recommended and calculated answers directly.

Populous World Business Intelligence Platform

Established in 2016, the Populous World invoice discounting platform was an idea-turned-reality when commercial data expert, Stephen Williams, envisioned a platform for invoice financing and customer acquisition via ‘big data’. Stephen pioneered the idea of using XBRL to data mine for prospective clients in the invoice finance-marketing sector which have also lead to the development of the very first Business Intelligence platform built on the block chain.

The Populous XBRL Tokens (PXTs) are created and airdropped to users for the business intelligence platform as it serves a different purpose. The PXTs are created in a much larger supply, as each token represents a credit in the platform which can then be used to purchase business intelligence reports, either curated by the user or researched by a third-party researcher.

PXP provides data sets and analysis tools in a cost-effective way, so that businesses of all magnitudes can access the vast array of publicly available data and present it in an easily digestible format to then make decisions that will drive their business forward.

Populous World’s developers have created the PXP platform in a way that allows skilled researchers to offer their services via the platform, resulting in users benefiting in high quality reports. It also enables business owners who complete reports for their own use to sell these reports via the system to other users of the platform, which will then help to recover some of their investment in the service.

What do PXT reports contain?

Reporting is an imperative component of analysis, and when viewed should be read to make data understandable and ready for easy, efficient and accurate analysis. To list a few examples:

1. Background (including date of incorporation) and industry of the company

2. Current year performance of the company via Altman Z-score and financial ratios

3. Performance history of the company

4. Credit history from Populous World (invoice discounting) platform

5. Comparison with competitors

The future of BI

The future of business intelligence tools and its evolution is proceeding at a frantic pace. The rapid advancements are, in large part, due to the immense value BI provides. As game-changing use cases and success stories continue to emerge, so do new ideas for enhancements, innovations and next-level analytic functions.

The PXT token contract can be viewed at etherscan

To register: Click here

Lou Chan, Populous World.

The Populous World platform provides invoice discounting solutions to accelerate business’s growth and obtain longevity, by using advanced block chain and big data processing technologies effectively.

