BitTorrent File System(BTFS) 2.0 Testnet — Darwin is now live

BitTorrent Inc.
2 min readDec 16, 2021


BitTorrent File System (BTFS) is a next-generation file-sharing protocol in the BitTorrent ecosystem. The BTFS team has already released the BTFS2.0 Testnet — Darwin, an upgrade of its predecessor — BTFS1.0. The documentation of the BTFS2.0 Testnet — Darwin can be found here: (*The BTFS2.0 Testnet — Darwin will run in parallel with BTFS1.0 for a while, during which the distribution of mining rewards on BTFS1.0 will not be disrupted.)

Underpinned by BTTC, the BTFS2.0 Testnet supports cross-chain connectivity and multi-channel payments, making the distributed BTFS network easier to use and applicable to more use cases. The integration of BTFS, BitTorrent, and the BTTC network will boost DApp developers’ efficiency in serving a wider market.

BTFS 2.0 test network — Darwin network architecture mainly consists of BTFS network nodes, divided into two roles: renter and host. Renter can upload files by paying BTT; Host provides storage to the network and gets BTT rewards. BTFS 2.0 test network is connected to BTTC (BitTorrent Chain) network, combining peer-to-peer storage and smart contracts to build a new web 3.0 decentralized storage architecture. network, combining peer-to-peer storage and smart contracts to build a new web 3.0 decentralized storage architecture. Core features include,

1. Decentralized storage payment system: Cheque

2. Node fund management contract: Vault

3. A new node management tool: BTFS Dashboard

4. More reliable and comprehensive APIs

5. New BTFS 2.0 website and developer documentation

BTFS2.0 related websites:

Architecture Diagram of BTFS2.0 Testnet — Darwin

Please reach out to us if you have any questions about the upgrade.

WeChat community (CN): BTTService02

Discord community (EN):

Discord community (CN):

About BTFS

The BitTorrent File System (BTFS) is both a protocol and a web application that provides a content-addressable peer-to-peer mechanism for storing and sharing digital content in a decentralized file system, as well as a base platform for decentralized applications (Dapp). The BTFS team has been working on the latest network operations and BTT market sentiment, etc., to make a series of dynamic adjustments such as upload prices and airdrop reward schemes.



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