BitTorrent File System(BTFS) V2.2.0 Mainnet-Mendel is now live

BitTorrent Inc.
2 min readAug 1, 2022


BitTorrent File System (BTFS) is a next-generation file-sharing protocol in the BitTorrent ecosystem. The BTFS team has rolled out BTFS v2.2.0 Mainnet-Mendel.

Updates of BTFS v2.2.0 Mainnet-Mendel are as follows:

  • BTFS nodes will start as miners by default;
  • Improved memory consumption for BTFS nodes;
  • Introduced online signature and Online Proof Contract; (Note: Nodes report heartbeats to Online Proof Contract every day, incurring a gas fee of 40 BTT, which will be deducted from the BTTC account. It is advised that you keep enough balance in your BTTC address to avoid failure to prove your uptime.)
  • Released the BTFS Dashboard and BTFS SCAN v2.2.0.

Useful links for BTFS v2.2.01 Mainnet-Mendel:

Please join our community if you have any questions about BTFS.

WeChat community (CN): BTTService02

Discord community (EN):

Discord community (CN):

About BTFS

The BitTorrent File System (BTFS) is both a protocol and a web application that provides a content-addressable peer-to-peer mechanism for storing and sharing digital content in a decentralized file system, as well as a base platform for decentralized applications (Dapp). The BTFS team has been working on the latest network operations and BTT market sentiment, etc., to make a series of dynamic adjustments such as upload prices and airdrop reward schemes.



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