BitWhite questionnaire

2 min readJun 12, 2018


BTW Legion!

We have a great idea to create a platform where everyone can understand the particular qualities of cryptocurrency from scratch with a clear description of all the stages how to begin and improve your knowleadge in this sphere. You will be able to start your journey in cryptoworld, get understanding how to avoid scam companies and achive great result.

Here you could:
- Study and get specific skills in te crypto sphere: how to find the successfull ICO and IPO, how to make business, how to trade and mining and so on .
- Find a solution for yours main tasks and issues,
- Be part of our community in fact,
- Receive help and assistance others to solve their problems,
- Get access to the database of reliable and trusted performers and contractors who will be able to complete all the necessary stages on a turn-key basis.
- Register to Social network under the crypto community with its own rules

To find out the right direction for development this idea and real needs of the BTW Army, we prepared a survey for you.

We believe that first of all you should realize your desires, priorities and needs better and after this provide your feedback and suggestions.

To participate in the creation of the platform, you need to fill out the Questionnaire form —

We will take into account the answers of everyone.

Let’s go!

