Intermediate news. 04.03.18

3 min readMar 4, 2018


Dear friends, we are happy to congratulate you all! Now BTW community is the first crypto community in the world, which provides possibility to support it’s value by securities in the United States. Moreover, it’s the first time in the history of the Blockchain industry when a deal was made using a crypto currency for the purchase of government securities.

The transaction was proceed successfully. Currently our team is working on development and testing of the platform, where each BTW owner will be able to invest its coins in the USA securities and other securities. The deal can reach $ 16'984'600 or the equivalent of 3'260'000 BTW, with the rate $ 5.21 / BTW.

Description of the current IBOE package:

• Name: International Bill of Exchange IBOE;
• Nominal cost: $ 100,000,000.00 — one hundred million USA dollars;
• Emitter: the USA Treasury;
• IBOE nubmer 2048;
• File registration number by the USA Treasury: RC001182260US;
• Serial number 2048;
• Payment period: 05.04.2020. Note: it will be possible to prolong end date according to future agreements;

IBOE — International Bill of Exchange issued by the US Treasury.

Basic definitions, rights and features of the application.

The payer of the International Note is the Treasury of the United States of America itself or the subject authorized by the US Treasury.

Significantly, the Bill of Exchange is equivalent to the US dollar banknotes: it is a legal tender, and can be used as a reserve currency for issuing banknotes of other countries. It differs in this case only in that the issuer will not act directly as the Bank of the Federal Reserve System.

IBOE is a legal tender of the US Treasury, issued directly by the US Treasury, the security of such an International Bond is guaranteed by the US Government’s Gold Reserve according to the US Constitution.

According to the constitutional law of the United States, in the sphere of control by the US Treasury, payment is made upon presentation of the IBOE on the first demand, without any protest from the payer.

The US Treasury Department, like the Federal Reserve Bank, has many functions to serve the interests of the US Government, as well as other institutional and private clients.

In both cases, these institutional and / or private clients can open an account upon request, reserving the right to issue securities / checks on the basis of the security of the respective accounts.

IBOE was issued by the Secretary of the US Treasury, as in the similar case
occurs with the Federal Reserve when issuing securities or checks. In both cases, the specified payment obligations such as IBOE do not have restrictions on commercial use, nor conditions, as it would be with other bank securities.

Released IBOE is an ideal tool for monetization of any project with maximal flexibility for assignment of property rights through digital currencies.

