BitcoinCash Zero KNIFE

Bitcoin CZ
6 min readDec 27, 2018


The Rational/The Irrational, Ratio and Rationale

2019, January the 4th — BitcoinCash Zero BCZ KNIFE!

“Great responsibility follows inseparably from great power”

As we continue to witness repercussions of Hash Wars, it is painfully obvious that it has now become just another corporate war, this time between “Titans of Crypto” whom will play games with retail investors’ money to virtually no end. In fact while thousands of investors scramble to find the source of the turmoil and decide their best course of action, Craig Wright can be found on Youtube gleefully showing off expensive “toys” over drinks while threatening 8 years of bleeding because “I want them broke”
Link ). And so, the Titans of Crypto appear to fancy themselves the new age Banker Barons. When asked about guaranteeing anonymity for users Craig Wright freely admits he will “hand over the details” if asked by government entities ( Link ). Are we to believe that this man will not make himself and userbase accessible to corporate and political lobbies and interests as well? With the US Government nearing shutdown yet again, the behavior of #bitcoinjesus and #faketoshi among others looks like more of the same rather than a paradigm shift from status quo which is the promise and potential held by cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

The quote at the head of these passages is itself now inseparable from the comic hero SpiderMan/Stan Lee however it was first found in a decree by the French National Convention of 1793 wherein they set about establishing a new state free of despotic, tyrannical rule. The end of the fiat, fractional reserve banking era is nearing but why replace it with another system fueled by avarice and greed, one that gives the beholders of knowledge and information a deadly weapon? The Revolution is on and the protection of Privacy for individuals on the web will be the next major Civil Rights movement. Being on the fore of this new battleground is a core tenet of the GravityCoin GXX mission and a value held dear by our growing community.

With great power comes great responsibility. Thus is the origin of the BitcoinCash Zero Dark Web Ecosystem, a revolutionary set of solutions, tools, and applications designed to produce a protected yet accessible Dark Web shopping and browsing experience for any and every given privacy advocate. After the January 4 multi chain KNIFE, the GXX team will begin development, testing, and release of the system with integration of the fully fungible BCZ currency which of course includes its ultimate private payments. Not only do we pledge to protect personal choice and privacy but to push the limits and boundaries of blockchain technology to that end. GravityCoin GXX is offering a rational alternative to those communities now held in a Reign of Terror by their irrational leaders. Fittingly, the choice is free. If you hold the private keys to a BCH or BSV wallet then you will have the right to claim BitcoinCash Zero after the January 4 snapshot.

One further Note on Responsibility-

The recent fork mine exploit caused by the gross negligence of the Bitcoin Private (BTCP) team during the creation of that forked coin will never be a possibility with BitcoinCash Zero BCZ or BitcoinZero BZX as untrusted 3rd parties will never be allowed to join the KNIFE mine process!!! The exploit created 2M unaccounted, stolen coins and caused an auditing issue with the unknown circulating supply
( Link ).

The 2nd Global CryptoAsset Benchmarking Study by the University of Cambridge finds that “[Privacy focused coins] have grown but still seem to occupy a niche.” They also confirm the growing prevalence of a Multi Coin Universe [Link]. It may be niche now but to us that clearly means just beginning. With mainstream internet users being turned away daily from consuming on sites with gross invasive practices such as Facebook our share of the Multi Coin Universe is certain to grow. The BitcoinCash Zero KNIFE marks the beginning of a collaborative, evolutionary, adaptive macrosystem comprising BitcoinCash Zero BCZ, BitcoinZero BZX and GravityCoin GXX. Stay tuned to GravityCoin GXX for a further in-depth overview and analysis of this burgeoning union as well as a deeper look at KNIFE- the techniques employed, implications, and systems in creation and yet to be created.

The “Merge Fork” as we know it is now a thing of the past. Chains that are worthy of breathing new life into are now large unwieldly beasts. Offering those communities an opt-in to a 4th generation cryptocoin is a necessity now more than ever. Necessity breeds invention and so we have the birth of KNIFE technology by GravityCoin GXX! The KNIFE at hand now is BitcoinCash Zero. Four coins become one new coin. All four parent blockchains continue and a new chain is spawned. This is a Quadruple KNIFE. Holders of any one of the four coins — Bitcoin SV Satoshi Vision (BSV), BitcoinCash ABC (BCH), GravityCoin (GXX), or BitcoinZero (BZX)- will be able to claim the newly Knife’d coin BitcoinCash Zero. By creating the new blockchain as a KNIFE instead of traditional forking, BitcoinCash Zero will launch with a manageabley sized blockchain and a coin supply of less than 21,000,000 BCZ (and quite possibly far less than that). In addition to launching the Bitcoincash Zero blockchain with an immediately live trading exchange, BCZ will launch with wallets on all Operating Systems- Mac. Windows, and Linux!

The future of BSV and BCH are still uncertain but the future for BZX and GXX is bright ergo GravityCoin developers will not make this KNIFE in a self-destructive manner -in fact that is the antithesis of the system. Therefore, the following tentative ratios have been determined based on current value and on that basis the ratios given now are nearly equivalent for GXX and BZX.

  • 1 Bitcoin SV (BSV) = 1 BitcoinCash Zero (BCZ)
  • 1 BitcoinCash ABC (BCH) = 1 BitcoinCash Zero (BCZ)
  • 5 GravityCoin (GXX) = 1 BitcoinCash Zero (BCZ)
  • 60 BitcoinZero (BZX) = 1 BitcoinCash Zero (BCZ)

For those who have been participating in the GravityCoin GXX Project Gravity Friday snapshots- Remember, the bonus is BitcoinCash Zero. Your bonus is recorded in each of the Friday snapshots that was made and will be KNIFE injected into BitcoinCash Zero with the regular January 4 BCZ snapshots. One final Bonus GXX snapshot remains for the last 75% of the bonus. This snapshot of the GXX blockchain will be made on Friday December 28 at GXX Block #SURPRISE.

In order to make a healthy determination for the BitcoinCash Zero masternode collateral, our developers have an obligation to make the most informed decision possible for the new coin. In the down market we have seen other new coins launch masternodes which are now nearly worthless. The current bear market is a good climate in which to establish a base BCZ masternode value. We have witnessed other projects make grave miscalculations of various kinds. The BCZ developers have decided to make a final calculation and determination of BitcoinCash Zero masternode collateral at a time and date closer to the launch of the coin when an initial value can be approximated and applied in the calculation.

The Clash of the Crypto Titans rages on casting BCH and BSV holders on a perilous Odyssey of their own. We invite and welcome them to find their way home to BitcoinCash Zero!

The BitcoinCash Zero Team

BitcoinCash Zero coininfo:

  • Coin Suffix: BCZ
  • Algorithm: Lyra2Z CPU / GPU
  • Target Spacing: 150 Seconds
  • Retarget: every block
  • Confirmation: 6 Blocks
  • Maturity: 100 Blocks
  • Blocks: ~576 per day
  • Min TX Fee: 0.001 BCZ
  • Block Size: 4MB



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Bitcoin CZ

Bitcoin CZ is a PoW cryptocurrency payment coin. $BCZ is a bitcoin fork for creating ecosystem and use cases. Learn about DEXX and more!